- Giant-Cell Tumor of the Patella: Report of Two Cases
- Giant-Cell Tumor of Bone Around the Knee
- 顳骨巨大細胞瘤--病例報告
- 腱鞘巨大細胞瘤之磁振造影影像
- Giant Cell Tumor of the Patella: A Case Report
- Management of Patellofemoral Arthrosis in Middle-Aged Patients
- 犬常見後肢疾病(2)--膝蓋骨內側脫臼
- 犬常見後肢疾病之簡介
- Localized Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of Knee Encircling the Infrapatellar Tendon: Report of a Case and Paper Review
- Treatment of Giant Cell Tumor of Long Bone
題 名 | Giant-Cell Tumor of the Patella: Report of Two Cases=膝蓋骨之巨大細胞瘤:二例報告 |
作 者 | 王宜君; 施信農; 薛綏; 許文蔚; | 書刊名 | 長庚醫學 |
卷 期 | 21:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁338-342 |
分類號 | 416.66 |
關鍵詞 | 膝蓋骨; 巨大細胞瘤; 括除; 異體骨移植片; Patella; Giant cell tumor of bone; Curettage; Allogenic bone graft; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 巨大細胞瘤約佔所有原發性骨腫瘤的5%。其雖多見於膝關節附近但膝蓋骨之巨大 細胞瘤卻極為罕見。在文獻報告中並不超過90例。我們提出 2例膝蓋骨之巨大細胞瘤的臨床 治療經驗。 2名年輕女性病患皆因前膝疼痛而前來就診,理學檢查顯示除局部壓痛及輕微腫 脹外並無其它異常。平面X光及電腦斷層攝影均顯示為膝蓋骨之局限性蝕骨病灶。經術中病 理切片證實為巨大細胞瘤後即施以開窗、括除、磨骨與酚劑使用並以異體骨移植片填充空洞 。經術後追蹤 2年膝部功能完好且X光並無復發跡象。 |
英文摘要 | Two patients with giant-cell tumors of the patella are presented in this report. Both patients were young females who were noted to have had nonspecific anterior knee pain and mild swelling of 1 to 12 months' duration prior to admission to our hospital. Local tenderness over the peripatellar area and slight limitation of full flexion were noted during physical examination. The radiographic presentation of each patella appeared as an expansile and lytic lesion with a thin cortex, without evidence of intra-articular involvement. Chest radiography and routine laboratory examination results were Normal. After biopsy, intralesional curettage with phenol cauterization and allograft reconstruction was the preferred treatment in these two patients, with both tumors considered to be stage 2 according to Enneking's staging system. Following surgery, range of motion exercise was started after 6 weeks of immobilization with a long leg splint. Both patients regained full range of motion and were pain free. Radiographically, bone remodeling without evidence of recurrence was noted in both patients 2 years postoperatively. |