題 名 | 臺北市牙科病患對感染控制措施之認知與態度=Perception and Attitudes of Dental Patients Toward Infection Control Measures in Taipei City |
作 者 | 鄭信忠; 林哲堂; 洪清霖; 陳時中; 李勝揚; | 書刊名 | 中華牙醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 17:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁181-193 |
分類號 | 416.995 |
關鍵詞 | 感染控制措施; 牙科病患; 認知與態度; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在瞭解牙科病患對感染控制措施之認知與態度。研究樣本採 多步驟分層隨機抽樣法,先對台北市牙醫診所按12個行政區分佈比率抽取200 家,再以訓練過之訪視員至被抽取之診所,於門診時間內依看診順序就5位20歲 以上之牙科病患作問卷調查;問卷格式採封閉式,內容包括病患背景資料,對感 染控制措施及受惠付費看法共24題;願受訪診所具181家,在應訪905位牙科病患中 取得有效問卷共903份,經電腦建檔並以次數分配法分析各題項比率及卡方檢定 分析病患背景條件與其認知態度之相關性。分析結果如下:(1)85.16受訪者認為牙 醫看診應戴手套,88.54認為應戴口罩,60.91認為應穿醫師服;(2)大多數受訪者 (80.40)喜歡用拋棄式漱口杯,且73.42受訪者認為高溫高壓是最有效消毒 法;(3)71.65受訪者認為牙醫師應主動告訴病患感染控制措施;,(4)61.68受訪者願意 考慮額外支付感染控制費用,認為價錢在100元以下者佔60.11,而55.04受訪者認 為應由政府、診所及病患共同支付;(5)牙科病患之「收入」、「職業」、「年齡」、 「約診狀況」、「診療時間」、「年就診次」分別與對感染控制措施之受惠付費 之部份變項有相關性。因此,在民眾要求及反應下,牙醫界應積極落實感染控制 之推廣與宣導。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and attitudes of dentalpatients towards infection control measures and to provide the results to the TaipeiDental Association and associated governmental organizations as a reference for policydesigning. The proportional random sampling method was used to select 200 dentaloffices from the 1140 dental offices in Taipei City. From each office, five adult patients (>20 years old) were chosen using a conditional consecutive sampling method. Eachpatient was interviewed with a 24-item questionnaire by well-trained personnel. Ninehundred and three questionnaires were returned from the 181 surveyed dental officesand analyzed by the SAS/PC software package. Frequency distribution was used toanalyze each item of the questionnaire and the Chi-square test was used to analyzethe association between the patients' demographic characteristics and their perceptionand attitudes toward infection control measures. The results indicated that: (1) 85.16,88.54 and 60.91 of the surveyed patients advocate that dentists should weargloves, a mouth mask and protective uniforms during dental procedures respectively; (2)80.40 of the surveyed patients preferred using a disposable paper cup for mouth rins-ing, and 73.42 of the patients believed that the best disinfection method in a dentaloffice was autoclaving; (3) 71.65 of the surveyed patients strongly requested anannouncement of infection control measures from dentists before dental treatment; (4)61.68 of the patients willingly accepted the extra charges for infection control, 60.11of the patients thought this fee should be under N.T. 100 dollars, while most surveyedpatients (55.04) thought that the infection control fee should be shared by the govern-ment, dentists and patients. There was a significant correlation between the patients'income, age and dental appointments and their perception and attitudes toward infectioncontrol measures. In conclusion, the Dental Association should actively encourage infec-tion control measures in dental procedures and conduct education campaigns toaddress these needs. |