題 名 | 私有林公益性林業經營調適之研究--私有林林農對經營森林遊樂之意願調查=A Study on Adaptive Management of Private Forests for Non-Timber Purpose--A Survey on the Tree Farmers' Willingness to Run Forest Recreation |
作 者 | 任憶安; 塗三賢; 吳萬益; 賴建興; | 書刊名 | 中華林學季刊 |
卷 期 | 31:4=123 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁377-386 |
分類號 | 436.7 |
關鍵詞 | 私有林; 公益性林業; 森林遊樂; Private forests; Non-timber purpose; Forest recreation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由於社會的變遷,民眾對旅遊的需求增加,森林遊樂現已成為國人喜歡的一種活動。 基於公益性效益的考量,以及使私有林經營者繼續營林及保林,經營森林遊樂是未來私有林經 營之一方向。本研究之目的在於瞭解當前私有林林農對經營森林遊樂之意願及其決定經營森林 遊樂之各種屬性。全省共有67戶私有林農被抽樣調查,應用多變域雙方分析及因素分析以探 求各有關決定因素。經調查發現,未做過森林遊樂經營的林農佔絕大多數(約98.7%)。有不 到半數(43.9%)的林農曾經考慮過將林地供做森林遊樂之用,而現今約有41.5%的林農表示仍有 經營森林遊樂的意願,有32.1%的林農沒有此意願,故有意願者的比例比沒有意願者為高。 經分析,林農不願經營森林遊樂的理由主要是因為地點太偏僻不會有遊客,經營森林遊樂也不 會賺錢,及申請手續麻煩等3項因素。願意經營森林遊樂的林農,其希望政府輔導措施之最重 要者是為聯外道路的改善。而不願意與他人合作共同經營森林遊樂的林農,主要考慮的理由是 想要出售林地以及認為合約遵守不容易。清楚的顯示,私有林林農當他們考慮經營森林遊樂時 是要能獲得利潤,而交通便利是一個重要的決定因素。 |
英文摘要 | With the changes of the society in Taiwan, the demand for tourism has been increasing. Forest recreation has become one of the popular outdoor activities nowadays. In order to put the social benefit into consideration, to keep forests' integrity, and to maintain forest practices continuously, forest recreation is one of the forest management strategies that tree farmers can transfer to. This study was trying to understand current tree farmers' willingness of running forest recreation. We sent out questionnaire to 67 randomly chosen tree farmers. MANOVA and factor analysis were used to identify determinant attributes concerned. The results indicated that 98.7% of the respondents have never done forest recreation before. Less than half of them (43.9%) have considered to manage forest recreation. 41.5% of the respondents still showed interest in forest recreation whereas 32.1% didn't. The major reasons why tree farmers showed little interest in running forest recreation were that forestland are located in remoted area which can't bring many tourists, it is not profitable to manage, and the bureaucratic process is too complicated. For the tree farmers who showed interest in running forest recreation business hoped government could improve nearby road condition. For those who didn't want to cooperate with other farmers to expand forestland in order to meet the government requirement for forest recreation was because they wanted to sell land and felt the contracts were difficult to be executed. It is clear that tree farmers would like to make profit when they consider to transfer the forestland for recreational purpose. Convenient transportation is one of the determinant factors for the tree farmers to do so. |