題 名 | 臺東臺灣獼猴自然保護區之植群生態研究=Study on the Vegetation Ecology of Taitung Macaca Cyclopsis Nature Reserve |
作 者 | 葉慶龍; 范貴珠; | 書刊名 | 中華林學季刊 |
卷 期 | 31:4=123 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁307-323 |
分類號 | 361.526 |
關鍵詞 | 臺東臺灣獼猴自然保護區; 植群生態; 降趨對應分析; 植群型; Taitung macaca cyclopsis nature reserve; Vegetation ecology; Detrended correspondence analysis; Vegetation type; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺東臺灣獼猴自然保護區位於臺東林管處所轄之臺東事業區第7林班,全區面積為368.69ha, 海拔高度為400-1,500m。本研究調查結果顯示,保護區內之維管束植物種類計有301種,隸屬90科,200 屬;其中稀有植物計有長穗馬藍、革葉冬青、松田氏冬青、南仁鐵色、金斗椆、旋莢木、土肉桂、銳脈 木薑子、李氏木薑子、長果木薑子、小西氏楠、臺灣紅豆、烏心石舅、白榕、愛玉子、臺灣梭羅木、港 口木荷、高雄金線蓮、黃花石斛、黃鶴蘭及細莖鶴頂蘭等21種。以26個林分樣區及7項環境因子經降趨 對應及列表比較法分析法,將保護區植群分為六型四亞型:A.九芎-江某型,本型又分為二亞型,分別 為(A□)無患子-江某亞型,(A□)山黃麻-山龍眼亞型;B.狗骨仔-黃杞型;C.假長葉楠-黃杞型,本型又 分為二亞型,分別為(C□)木荷-黃杞亞型,(C□)大頭茶-黃杞亞型;D.山枇杷-錐困櫟型;E.泡桐型; F.森氏紅淡比-臺灣杜鵑型。本保護區植群分化主要受到海拔高度及太陽輻射之影響,僅半數植群型已 趨極盛相,但因有利嘉林道貫穿保護區,故應注意交通便利所帶來盜獵及遊客增加之干擾。 |
英文摘要 | Taitung Macaca cyclopsis Nature Reserve belongs to compartment 7, Taitung Working Circle, Taitung Forest District Office, Taiwan Forest Bureau. The elevation ranges from 400m to 1,500m. The reserve area is about 368.69ha. In the vascular plant inventory, there were 90 families, 200 genera, 301 species, among which 21 species were rare. i.e. Semnostachya longespicata, Ilex cochinchinensis, Ilex matsudai, Drypetes hieranensis, Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma, Boea swinhoii, Cinnamonum osmophloeum, Litsea acutivena, Litsea lii, Lisea nakaii, Machilus konishii, Ormosia formosana, Magnolia kachirachirai, Ficus benjamina, Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang, Reevesia formosana, Schima superba var. kankoensis, Anoectochilus koshunensis, Dendeobium tosaense, Phaius flavus, Phaius mishmensis. This research investigated the correlation between vegetation types and environmental factors with both the detrended correspondence analysis and tabular comparison analysis from 26 samples and 7 environmental factors in this nature reserve. The vegetation was divided into 6 types and 4 subtypes: (A) Lagerstoroemia subcostata-Schefflera octophylla type including (A□) Sapindus mukorossii-Schefflera octophylla subtype and (A□) Trema orientalis-Helicia formosana subtype. (B) Tricalysia dubia-Engelhardtia roxburghiana type. (C) Machilus japonica-Engelhardtia roxburghiana type including (C□) Schima superba-Engelhardtia roxburghiana subtype and (C□) Gordonia axillaries-Engelhardtia roxburghiana subtype. (D) Eriobotrya deflexa-Cyclobalanopsis longinux type. (E) Paulownia fortunei type. The differentiation of the vegetation in this area was mainly affected by the altitudinal gradient and solar radiation. Half vegetation types of this nature reserve were near climax. The main disturbance of the reserve was the poaching and the increasing tourists due to a convenient accessibility. |