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題 名 | 以慢性腹瀉為表徵的神經母細胞瘤--病例報告=Initial Manifestation of Chronic Diarrhea in Neuroblastoma: A Case Report |
作 者 | 周祖佑; 歐善福; 邱益煊; | 書刊名 | 國防醫學 |
卷 期 | 27:6 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁405-410 |
分類號 | 417.627 |
關鍵詞 | 神經母細胞瘤; 慢性腹瀉; 血鉀過低症; 電腦斷層核磁共振; Neuroblastoma; Chronic diarrhea; Hypokalemia; MRI; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 神經母細胞瘤為幼兒常見的腹內腫瘤,而慢性腹瀉則是引起兒童身體衰弱及營養 不良的主因之一,有些甚至會引起兒童死亡。本文報告一例兩歲女童於住院前半年起即常有 腹瀉發生。住院後理學檢查病童全身虛弱四肢無力,輕度脫水,腹部觸診于左上腹至中線處 有 3X5cm,不可移動,無壓痛之腫塊。血鉀:1.8mg ╱ dL;24 小時 VML 值為 29mg;腹部 超音波及電腦斷層核磁共振均顯示於左腎上腺上方有一 3X5X2cm 之腫塊, 外科手術切除腫 瘤。病理診斷為神經母細胞瘤,血鉀過低症,電腦斷層核磁共振,術後病童血鉀及體重恢復 正常且腹瀉與四肢無力等症狀消失。 消失。 |
英文摘要 | Neuroblastoma is the common intra-abdominal tumor in childhood. Chronic diarrhea may cause not only fatigue but also malnutrition to children, even inducing death. This paper reported a 2-year-old girl suffered from frequent diarrhea in the recent six months before hospitalization. The physical examination revealed a non-tenderness and fixed mass measuring 3x5 cm in size over LUQ to middle area. The laboratory examination revealed serum potassium: 1.8 mg/dL, VMA of 24 hours urine: 29 mg. The abdominal sonogram and MRI revealed a tumor measuring 3x5x2 cm in size over the left adrenal gland. The pathological diagnosis was neuroblastoma. The patient recovered from chronic diarrhea, hypokalemia, body weight loss and extremities weakness after surgical removal of tumor. removal of tumor. |