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- The Multi-Ethnic Issue of Taiwan Literature
題 名 | 博碩士論文中臺灣文學研究取向探討=To Overview and Analyze the Selective Approach of the Topics of Theses on Taiwanese Literature Research from 1960 to 1997 |
作 者 | 方美芬; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 87:2 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁295-308 |
分類號 | 863 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣文學; Taiwanese literature; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣文發研究隨著政治、經濟、社會治文化、學術等環境的變遷,近幾年已漸次發展為國內外顯學。而中國大陸在官方的指示與贊助下,有計劃地出版推介了一系列臺灣作家作品選集和專著,並且多次舉辦研討會;其研究成果,誠如德國漢學家馬漢茂所言,將「威脅到臺灣學者理論上應該有的自我詮釋的權力」,而且「己對外國的學術研究活動產生很大的影響力」。所以如何提出屬於自己的研究理論立場,並建構一個「臺灣文學研究中心」,是臺灣學術界應該反思的問題。 本文就臺灣文學涵蓋的四個主題範圍,綜合論述了1960年至1997年間國內大專校院有關臺灣文學研究的博碩士論文;並分作前言、臺灣文學的界說及範圍、論文主題研究分析、建議、結語五個部分敘述,以便了解臺灣文學研究梗概。最後就分析後所呈現的問題,提出(一)資料蒐集及整理、(二)課程設計與師資培育、(三)研究方法再提升,以及(四)掌握國際研究動脈等四項建議,冀望對學界的臺灣文學研究發展有所助益。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwanese literature research has been becoming as a hot topic owing to the various changes of political, economic, social, cultural, and academic environments in Taiwan now. There are also a lot of research activities, namely, conducting projects according to the given programs, editing and publishing a series of monographs on research results, and holding a series of internationai symposium on Taiwanese literature research in Mainland China. This phenomenon as Germany Sinologist, Dr. Helmut Martin said "the research results of Mainland China has threatened the self-explanatory rights of scholars in Taiwan in theoretical aspects and has generated a great deal of impacts on the research activities of foreign Scholars” Therefore, how to propose the theoretical stands of research by our own view, and to establish a research center focused on Taiwanese literature have become a critical and significant thing in Taiwan academic community. This article intended to overview and analyze the topics .of theses on Taiwanese literature from 1960 to 1997 by four main categories. The article can be divided into five parts, namely, foreword, the definition and scope of Taiwanese literature, the analyses of main topics of these issued in the institutes of various colleges and universities in Taiwan, suggestions, and conclusion. The author attempted to hold the research progress tracks in the different eras and to counter-think the right direction of Taiwanese literature activities. Finally, the author anticipated the four suggestions, namely, research materials collecting and organizing, curriculum design and teachers fostering in the colleges and universities, promotion the methodology of Taiwanese literature research, and to hold the direction and trends of international research activities that would be significantly useful for the Taiwanese literature research community. |