- 評值早產兒出院衛教錄影帶之成效
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題 名 | 評值早產兒出院衛教錄影帶之成效=Effectiveness of Videotape Education for Mothers of Prematurity |
作 者 | 陳俞君; 曾英芬; 許玉雲; 林瑛豐; 曾月英; 錢靜馨; | 書刊名 | The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences |
卷 期 | 14:12 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁800-806 |
分類號 | 419.75 |
關鍵詞 | 早產兒; 衛教; 母育信心; Premature; Health education; Maternal confidence; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究藉由一套設計好的出院衛教錄影帶,協助早產兒母親學習有關早產兒居家 照顧的知識與技能,以期增進早產兒母親的照顧能力與自信。研究對象為 62 位早產兒母親 ,隨機編為實驗組或控制組。實驗組母親於早產兒出院前觀看衛教錄影帶並攜帶錄影帶回家 ,控制組則按醫院常規接受一般出院衛教及護理措施。在早產兒出院前、出院一週及一個月 時以問卷測量母親的照顧知識、母育信心、壓力知覺及社會支持情況。研究結果顯示,實驗 組母親在早產兒出院一週後,在照顧知識及母育信心的得分皆較控制組母親高;而且在早產 兒出院一個月後,上述兩個變項得分仍持續高於控制組,實驗組母親所知覺的壓力則較控制 組母親低。早產兒母親的壓力知覺、胎次及有否參加衛教計畫最能預測早產兒出院後一週的 母育信心,解釋的變異量為 29.3%;而母親壓力知覺、胎次及社會支持則最能預測早產兒出 院後一個月的母育信心,能解釋全部變異量的 47.1%。本研究可應用於早產兒的出院衛教計 畫,藉由一套設計好的衛教錄影帶能有效協助早產兒母親適應早產兒出院後的照顧,對減低 早產兒母親壓力,增加母親照顧早產兒的知識及技巧上有實質的助益。 |
英文摘要 | To investigate the effectiveness of an educational videotape on preterm mothers' knowledge, confidence, perceived stress, and social support, mothers who had given birth prematurely were recruited to participate in this study. Sixty-two mothers were randomly assigned to a control or experimental group. During hospital-ization, mothers assigned to the experimental group received additional educational videotape which was designed by researchers for this particular study, regarding the knowledge and skills of caring for premature infants. While mothers in the control group received routine educational care. Both groups of mothers filled out the questionnaire including knowledge of prematurity, maternal confidence, perceived stress and perceived social support at three time periods (before discharge, one week after discharge, and one month after discharge). The findings indicated that mothers who received a videotape education reported having higher knowledge and confidence of caring for their preterm babies than mothers who were in the control group. Moreover, mothers in the experimental group perceived lower stress than the control group mothers when their babies were one month old. The scores of perception of stress, parity, and receiving a videotape education are the best predictors to maternal confidence a week after discharge. Further, the mothers' perception of stress, parity, and the perception of social support can predict and explain 47.1% of the variance of the maternal confidence. These results can apply to clinical practice for nursing mothers who have given preterm births. A convenient videotape education can improve mothers' knowledge and confidence of caring for their premature babies at home. |