題 名 | 臺灣鄉鎮市區社會地位對教育投入的影響=The Influence of Social Status on Educational Input of Districts in Taiwan |
作 者 | 馬信行; | 書刊名 | 國家科學委員會研究彙刊. 人文及社會科學 |
卷 期 | 8:4 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁596-615 |
分類號 | 520.1354 |
關鍵詞 | 鄉鎮市區之社會地位; 教育投入; 線性結構模式; 分工程度; Social status of districts; Educational input; Linear structural model; Degree of labor division; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以臺灣359個鄉鎮市區為分析單位,探討社會地位與分工程度對個人教育投 資、社會的教育投資的影響。另外以離婚分居率為中介變項,檢定社會地位對離婚分居率的 影響,及離婚分居率對國中階段不在學率的影響。主要發現有:(1)行業分工程度對社會 地位有顯著正向影響,它解釋 37 %的社會地位變異量。(2)社會地位愈高的鄉鎮市區, 其 12-14 歲、15-17 歲、18-21 歲、22-24 歲、25-34 歲等年齡組人口在學率, 分工程度 ,高中、職校數及大專院校校數,皆有愈高的趨勢。(3)社會地位最高的一組鄉鎮市區, 其離婚分居率也最高。(4)在離婚分居率最高的一組 63 個鄉鎮市區中,社會地位分布有 兩極端的現象,有 24 個來自社會地位第一組,有 14 個來自社會地位第五組。而前六名似 乎是來自山地或偏遠地區,故離婚率或分居率高可能原因是:ヾ社會地位低,為求生計而離 婚或分居。ゝ社會地位高,思想較開放,女性也較獨立,故易於離婚或分居。這種假設有待 未來檢定。(5)離婚分居率最高的一組鄉鎮市區,其 12-14 歲及 15-17 歲年齡組人口在 學率也最低,也就是國中階段與高中階段不在學率(輟學或不繼續升學)最高。本研究結果 支持社會進化論。社會愈進化,其分工複雜度愈高,居民的社會地位也愈高,為避免在競爭 中被淘汰,故必須不斷提高能力,因此對教育投資也較多。從城鄉發展均衡的觀點,政府對 低社會地位的地區應加多教育投資,以教育發展帶動社會發展。 |
英文摘要 | This study using the 1990 census data of 359 districts in Taiwan was to investigate the influences of social status and degree of labor division on individual educational investment as well as on social educational investment by means of Structural Equation Models Analysis. Another hypothesis to be tested is that the rate of divorce or separation influences the rate of drop out in the junior high school age group. Important findings are the following: (1) The labor division has significant effect on social status. It explains 37% of social status variance. (2) The social status has positive and significant effect on the enrollment rate of 12-14, 15-17, 18-21, 22-24 and 25-34 age group, on the number of vocational and senior high school and on the number of institution of higher education. (3) The highest group of social status has also highest divorce or separation rate. (4) Among the 63 districts of the highest group of divorce or separation rate, 24 belong to the highest social status group, and 14 belong to the fifth. The top six districts of high divorce or separation rate locate on the remote areas. It is hypothesized that to struggle for the living in the low social status districts and struggle for the independence in the high ones might account for the reason of divorce or separation, but this hypothesis has yet to be tested in the future study. (5) The highest group of divorce or separation rate has also lowest enrollment rate of the 12-14 and 15-17 age group. Result of this study supports the hypothesis of social evolutionism. The more advanced a district is, the higher labor division and the higher social status of its residents will have. In order to avoid suffering failure in competition for resources one should continuously increase his capabilities. Intensifying ones educational investment is a right way. From the viewpoint of well balance of regional development between metropolitan and country areas, the government has to promote more investments on infrastructure of educational in the remote country districts. |