題 名 | 山水詩意境中的空間意識--以北宋「三遠」為例=The Space Consciousness in the Inscape of the Landscape Poetry: "Three-Dimension Distance" in the Northern Sung Poetry |
作 者 | 楊雅惠; | 書刊名 | 國家科學委員會研究彙刊. 人文及社會科學 |
卷 期 | 8:3 1998.07[民87.07] |
頁 次 | 頁396-416 |
分類號 | 821.4 |
關鍵詞 | 三遠; 山水詩; 北宋; 空間意識; 意境; Inscape; Landscape poetry; Northern Sung; Space consciousness; Three-dimension distance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討山水詩意境中的空間意識,兼論其在北宋的發展。山水詩基本上是 「此在」在世界之中的一個隱喻符號系統,其空間意識之構成正足以證「此在」的空間性。 北宋山水畫的「三遠」提供了一明確的指標,本文乃由此切入,探討「三遠」的空間意識在 北宋山水詩的語言構成與閱讀現象,以論證北宋文人主體中對「存在」的空間性認識。文分 五部分:第一節引論,談山水詩意境與時空意識之關係,為本文問題之提出;第二、三節為 北宋山水詩「三遠」空間意識的語言構成,分由「遠:游心物外的視野距離」、「高、深、 平:山水視野與主體的方位關係與互動軸線」兩方面探究;第四節為北宋山水詩「三遠」空 間意識的閱讀現象。第五節結論:由「三遠」的歷史脈絡意涵導出北宋意境典範的形成。由 探討中發現:北宋山水詩對空間間架意識增強,「境域觀」與「道樞觀」交互而成宏闊的全 境山水。「遠」的視野距離隱喻「此在」境域的超越,「高遠」、「深遠」、「平遠」三維 傳達出「存在」的向度,以是,「三遠」正是北宋文化敻絕宇宙觀的圖式。 |
英文摘要 | This paper investigates not only the space consciousness in the inscape of landscape poetry but also its development in the Northern Sung dynasty. As the landscape poetry is often conisdered as a metaphoric transfiguration of Dasien, Being-in-the-world, its space consciousness is just meant to verify the spatiality of world; for instance, "three-dimension distance" in the Northern Sung landscape-painting is a case in point. Making this as a point of departure, the paper will study the "three-dimension distance" to evaluate of the Northern Sung poets' comprehension and knowledge of the space consciousness of Dasein. This paper includes five parts; Part 1 will be an introduction to the relationship between the space consciousness and inscape in the landscape poetry. Part 2 and 3 will approach the poetic language structure of "three-dimension dis tance" from two perspectives: first, distance--transcendental visionary distance, second, height, depth, and horizon--the landscape's vision and its relation to and interaction with the subject's spatial orientation. Furthermore, part 4 will study the reading phenomenon of the space consciousness of the "three--dimension distance". Finally, part 5 will be an endeavor to demonstrate, on the basis of the historic context of the "three-dimension distance", the formation of the inscape norm in Northern Sung landscape poetry. This study expects to explore that the Northern Sung landscape poetry reinforces and elongates the spatial structure to creat the grand and overall landscape view. Indeed, the "three-dimension distance" is just the schematic aspect of the Northern Sung poets' cosmic-view. |