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題 名 | Dis-Cursivity of Psychoanalysis: The Lost Origin vs an Imaginary Return=精神分析的論述結構:失去的原點vs虛擬的回歸 |
作 者 | 孫小玉; | 書刊名 | 中山人文學報 |
卷 期 | 7 民87.08 |
頁 次 | 頁135-157 |
分類號 | 175.7 |
關鍵詞 | 佛洛依德; 拉康; 精神分析; 論述; 回歸; 他者; 隱喻; 換喻; Freud; Lacan; Psychoanalysis; Discursivity; Return; Other; Metonymy; Metaphor; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 在精神分析的領域中,佛洛依德一向被尊為精深分析之父,而在他之後,拉康又以最能闡揚佛洛依德的精神及學說自居。本文依博科的論述為基礎, 重新檢視精神分析的論述場域。研究重點分兩層面,首先以佛洛依德的思想內涵,檢視其作為精神分析之父的立足依據,再探拉康回歸佛洛依德的路徑,並藉此同時探究精神分析的疆界領域,研究顯示如果依據拉康所提的主體與符號理論來檢視上述的兩個層面,不僅回歸的路徑不可尋,連精神分析本身作為論述結構的起點依據亦不可得。 |
英文摘要 | Naming Freud the founder of psychoanalysis, Michel Foucault asserts that there is an "inevitable necessity" for a "return to the origin." Among all Freud's descendants who tread the route of return, Lacan is the most conspicuous. This essay attempts to examine the formation of the founding act of the discourse and revisit Lacan's returning route, particularly in light of the discursive practice of psychoanalysis. Much of this study reveals that the "origin" has been, since its inception, an absent destination, insofar as it is not a "place" with a determinate signified but a place of a signifier that is always referring to an "other." As far as Lacan's return is concerned, it acts like a "signifying practice" in which the laws of signification are staged and performed on a differentiating term. His return only calls into question again the existing mode of psychoanalysis. As the hyphen(-)of the word, "dis-cursivity", in the title suggests, the formation of the discourse, as a result of the interplay of metonymy and metaphor, is constantly barred by the errant and unpredictable "fading" movement. It, by all means, transforms as well as disorients the psychoanalytic orthodoxy, insofar as it always presents itself as what it is not. |