題 名 | 史傳文學中的美學特徵=The Aesthetical Characteristics in History-Literature Works |
作 者 | 郭丹; | 書刊名 | 中山人文學報 |
卷 期 | 7 民87.08 |
頁 次 | 頁17-35 |
分類號 | 601.3 |
關鍵詞 | 史傳文學; 美學特徵; 結構之美; 敘事之美; 人物形象之美; History-literature works; Aesthetic characters; Beauty of structure beauty of narration; Beauty of characters; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文試圖從審美的視角對先秦兩漢之史傳文學作品的美感特徵作一番探索。全文包括三個部分:一、史傳文學作品的結構之美。結構之美的最大特徵是和諧而有秩序。它包含體裁和史例兩個方面,編年體以時間為綱,國別體以空間為框架,紀傳體以人物為中心。三種不同體裁相輔相成,構成了「秩序之美」。《春秋》的五例,影響了《左傳》。《史記》的五種體例,則形成了一種建築之美。二、史傳文學作品的敘事之美。主要表現的為真實、簡潔、質樸、含蓄。真實之美,在《左傳》中是直書,在《史記》中是「不虛美,不隱惡」,在《漢書》是客觀紀錄。簡潔之美,要做到「文約而事豐」,要「省句」,要「省字」。這在史傳文學作品的場面描寫戰爭描寫中最為突出。質樸之美,即自然本質之美。《左傳》《史記》的引用俚俗謠諺,白描手法,口語化的敘事,質樸自然本色。含蓄之美,指敘事的隱喻、寄寓、深沉之美。劉知幾稱之為「用晦」。《史記》的「寓論斷于敘事之中」,是含蓄之美的更高境界。三、史傳文學人物形象的美學意義。以善惡為標準的審美理想與審美判斷,「愛奇」的審美選擇,成為史傳文學塑造人物的美學原則。並對後代敘事作品產生巨大影響。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, the writer deals with aesthetic characteristics of History-Literature Works in Pre-Qin and Han dynasty. This paper falls into three parts: the first part is concerned with the beauty of structure of H.L.W, which is embodied in harmony and order and includes forms and historical stylistic rules. Annalistic style in historiography (編年體)depends on time while the style of individual countries in historiography ( 國別體)is built on space. order, and history presented in a series of biographies (紀傳體)revolves around characters. The three forms are inseparably interconnected and form beauty of order. The five stylistic rules in Chun Qiu ( 春秋) greatly influenced Zuozhuan (左傳 ) • The five stylistic rules in Shiji (史記 ) fomed architectural beauty. The second part deals with the narrative beauty of H. L.W, which includes authenticity, conciseness, plainness, implicitness. Authenticity means direct description in Zuozhuan, no flattering, no concealment of evilness in Shiji, and objective recording in Hanshu (漢書) . Conciseness refers to being economical of words but rich in content. Words or sentences should be used economically, which is reflected most strikingly in the war description in H.L.W.Plainness means natural beauty, for example, the use of slangs, the simple and straightforward style of writing, and colloquial narration in Shiji, Zuozhuan shows the plain and natural beauty. Implicitness refers to the beauty of metaphor, depth and Liu Zhiji (劉知己) called it using ambiguity. Placing the writer's judgement on narration in Shiji is the excellent expression of implicitness. The third part focuses on the aesthetic meaning of characters in H.L.W. The aesthetic ideals and judgements based on the standards of goodness and evillness and aesthetic choice such as Love Strange (愛奇) have therefore become the aesthetic principle of characters in H. L.W and they will have great impact on the later works. |