題 名 | 西藏古格那嗄拉咱王及其銅佛像分析=A Kashmir Style Buddha Sculpture and the Tibetan Gelug King "Nagaradza" |
作 者 | 羅文華; | 書刊名 | 故宮學術季刊 |
卷 期 | 16:1 民87.秋 |
頁 次 | 頁183-192+左9 |
分類號 | 224.6 |
關鍵詞 | 西藏古格; 吐蕃; 那嗄拉咱; 喀什米爾風格; Gelug tibet; Turbon; Nagaradza; Kashmir style; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 現存藏傳佛教銅造像中,有款織的數量不多,且內容多為佛號、咒語、贊辭等, 而本文論及的四尊有「那嘎拉咱」款的佛造像,不僅題記內容新穎而且具有斷代意義,彌足 珍貴。作者從分析銅造像上的藏文題記入手,確認了其中所提及的名叫「那嘎拉咱」此人的 身分,從而推定此人應是藏西古格王朝著名的國王益希沃之子。通過綜合各種藏族史料以及 有關研究成果,描繪出父子二人並不清晰但輪廓可見的事跡,試圖展示他們在藏族史後弘期 之初的藏西地區為佛教的復興所作出的艱苦努力。同時,還就這幾尊佛像的斷代和產地的爭 論發表了自己的見解。 |
英文摘要 | This article presents an analysis of the name "Nagaradza," which appears inscribed on a Kashmir style Buddhist bronze sculpture. The paper introduces the biographical material surrounding a Tibetan figure of the Turbon kingdom who also went by the name King "Nagaradza" and how he advocated the spread of Buddhism. The paper goes on to discuss the cultural exchange between Kashmir and the Gelug dynasty of Tibetan during the reign of King Nagaradza. As such, the present paper thus explains why this Buddhist bronze sculpture is inscribed with a Tibetan name, but is Kashmir in style. |