題 名 | 雲滇民族山區漢化問題初探=On Sinification: The Case of Various Minorities in the Yunnan Mountain Areas |
作 者 | 石之瑜; | 書刊名 | 中國大陸研究 |
卷 期 | 41:9 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁25-34+84 |
分類號 | 536.2 |
關鍵詞 | 少數民族; 雲南; 公民教育; 漢化; Minorities; Yunnan; Civil education; Sinification; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 漢化與西化雖然不是同義字,但對於雲邊的少數民族而言,都是要將他們拉入市 場,適應現代化的國家體制,無論從路權的發生與土地使用權的剝奪,或扭曲的少數民族在 市場中的形象與價值,或雙語文教育在漢化與民族化方面共有的侷限,到民族概念本身的變 化,以及潛意識對漢化工程的牴觸,似乎均說明了一件事,那就是少數民族儘管仍可藏身於 雲邊山區,但他們受到漢化、西化洗禮,是已經不可能逃避的事,只不過這既不代表他們只 能無言抗議,也不是說通過洗禮的他們(不論是深造返鄉的幹部,或唸完小學的傣族佛爺) 可以完全漢化,一是我們不知何為完全漢化;二為我們不知何為民族傳統。 |
英文摘要 | Although Sinification and Westernization mean different things to the Han people, they are not clearly distinguishable to minorities in Yunnan mountains. Both aim at recruiting minorities into the market economy as well as the modern state system. These civilizing projects share similar concerns over capitalist/statist issues, such as mountain road construction, discursive image construction for minorities, ambivalence toward bilingual education and other issues. It appears that minorities in the yunnan mountains cannot completely avoid civilizing influences. Field interviews reveal, however, that sinification is by no means predominant. The responses from the minorities are too complicated to be expressed through the civilizing discourses. Not only does sinification not convey any fixed meaning, but minority identifications also shift over times. Ironically, the hybrid nature of the minority responses to sinifying projects have thus opened, not closed, new possibilities. |