題 名 | 舊檔案、新材料--中研院史語所藏內閣大庫檔案現況=The Grand Secretariat Archives at the Institute of Hsitory and Philology, Academia Sinica |
作 者 | 劉錚雲; | 書刊名 | 新史學 |
卷 期 | 9:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁135-162 |
分類號 | 655.6、655.6 |
關鍵詞 | 內閣大庫; 明清檔案; 史語所; Grand secretariat archives; Ming-Ch'ing archives; Institute of history and philology; Academia Sinica; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 史語所現藏明清檔案是原內閣大庫流出檔案中的一小部份。本文旨在介紹這七十 年來史語所整理這些檔案的經過與內容。從民國十八年迄今,史語所的檔案整理工作經歷了 四個階段。到本年六月底為止,已完成檔案登錄的有十五萬四千多件,完成掃描的有五萬八 千多件,寫完提要並上網的有九萬八千多件。目前研究者可以經由網際網路 (Internet) 來 檢索提要,並可在史語所傅斯年圖書館透過印表機印出已有數位影像檔的部份。史語所藏三 十一萬多件內閣大庫檔的內容頗豐,包括內閣收貯的制詔誥敕、題奏表章、史書、錄書、塘 報、黃冊、簿冊、朝貢國表章,以及內閣各廳房處的檔案、修書各館檔案、試題、試卷、瀋 陽舊檔等,其中以題奏本章佔最大宗。由於這些檔案內容多涉及一般行政事務,而有些並不 見於會典或則例,是研究制度史相當有價值的材料。然若有新的問題提出,相信社會、經濟 史學者也可在其中找到新的研究材料。 。 |
英文摘要 | The archival materials at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica are portions of the Ch'ing Grand Secretariat Archives rescued form being recycled at a Peking paper factory. This paper intends to introduce the preservation, cataloguing, and publication of these documents since their acquisition by Fu Ssu-nien in 1929. Some of their contents will also be discussed. Despite of earlier efforts, a full-scale project for restoring and organizing these archival materials only began in 1981 and has continued to the present day. As of June 1998, approximately 154,000 documents have been registered, 98,000 have been catalogued, and 36,000 have been scanned. Those catalogued and scanned documents are available for computer retrieval (in Chinese) through the Internet by searching for any terms related to date, office or name of memorialists, and subject. This collection consists largely of routine memorials, t'i-pen, their copies, chieh-t'ieh, as well as edicts, record books, veritable-record drafts, shih-lu kao. These documents will probably be most useful to scholars interested in institutional history, Nevertheless, social and economic historians may be surprised to find how rich these materials in researching certain topics. |