題 名 | 吊網應用於東北角海岸國家風景特定區之昆蟲資源調查與監測=Study on the Insect Resource Inventory and Monitoring Using Moth Trap in the Northeast Coast National Scenic Area |
作 者 | 蔡尚惪; 楊正澤; 馮豐隆; | 書刊名 | 國立中興大學實驗林研究彙刊 |
卷 期 | 20:2 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁51-64 |
分類號 | 387.7 |
關鍵詞 | 吊網; 昆蟲; 資源調查; 監測; Moth trap; Insect; Inventory; Monitoring; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究藉地理資訊系統資料庫中之東北角海岸國家風景特定區土地利用型圖層, 以分層逢機取樣所設立之植生調查的永久樣區, 於 1995 年 4 月至 12 月間,使用吊網針 對八個植生調查樣區進行每隔兩個月一次的連續昆蟲資源調查與監測。吊網誘集到鱗翅目之 蝶、蛾類等昆蟲,共計 14 科 (有 5 科未知 )、144 種、1790 隻。由各樣區的調查結果, 可明顯發現六月份及八月份有蟲數增加的現象,因此,就時間的觀點而言,六月份及八月份 可建議為一年中較理想的監測時期,尤其是以八月份最佳。另以監測對象而言,長斑擬燈蛾 、圓端擬燈蛾及以黑樹蔭蝶均有較大量的誘集,唯需繼以長期連續調查監測,以確定密度與 時間序列的依變關係,並探討其對環境變化之反應程度。故建議再研究三∼五年,所獲得之 數據較可明確瞭解其在東北角風景特定區之陸域生態系中所扮演的角色及其時間、空間分布 的關係,以做為而後是否選為監測候選種之決策過程的重要依據。此外,建議爾後應加強植 生調查之頻度,與昆蟲資源同步調查以便取得更有效之寄生植物資訊。 |
英文摘要 | Geographic information System (GIS) and moth traps were used to inventory the insects of the Northeast Coast National Scenic Area (NCNSA). Using the stratified random sampling design, permanent vegetation plots were digitized into GIS. Moth traps were placed in these plots and sampled monthly from April through December 1995. A total of 1790 individuals representing 14 families (5 unidentified) and 144 species were collected. Most insects were collected from June to August, suggesting that subsequent monitoring should occur during these months. The three most common species were Asota phana lacteata, A. heliconia zebrina and Melanitis phedima polishana. Inventories lasting 3-5 years are needed to correlate insect density with temporal and enviromental changes and with microhabitat characteristics. These inventories would also provide guidelines for selecting species for long-term monitoring. Correlation of vegetation with insect species is also needed to identify host plants. |