題 名 | 重要死亡原因地圖之製作新竹縣個案研究=The Cartography of the Mortality Map |
作 者 | 黃立民; 劉素華; 曾勝滄; | 書刊名 | 中國統計學報 |
卷 期 | 36:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁279-303 |
分類號 | 516.2 |
關鍵詞 | 重要死亡原因地圖; Pareto分析; 集群分析; 判別分析; Mortality map; Pareto chart; Cluster analysis; Discriminent analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本篇報告蒐集民國 70-84 年新竹縣主要死亡原因之資料,藉由集群分析方法 ( cluster analysis ),將全縣十三鄉鎮市依照死亡原因劃分而得到三個集群組。其中傳 統客家鄉鎮歸為一組,此組以腦血管疾病及心臟病等老年疾病為主要死亡原因;其次屬於山 地鄉之尖石、五峰自成一組,此組以意外事故及腦血管疾病為主要死亡原因;另一組為都市 化程度較高之地區包括竹北市、竹東鎮、新豐鄉、湖口鄉等。上述主要死因死亡率之地理分 佈研究、不僅可繪製成重要死因之地理分佈圖,更可供作地區傷病防治計畫之執行與評估的 依據。 |
英文摘要 | This paper deals with the problem of the cartography of the mortality map. By using cluster analysis, we classify the 13 areas in Hsinchu County into 3 clusters by their main causes of death. The 7 traditional Hakka countryside areas form the first cluster. Their main mortality causes are cerebrovascular diseases and heart diseases which mainly occurred in the elders. The two aboriginal hsiangs, Chienshih and Wufeng, form the second cluster. The main mortality causes are accidents and cerebrovascular diseases. The third cluster consists of the urbanized or industrialized areas including Chupei Shih, Chutung Chen, Hsinfeng Hsiang and Hukou Hsiang. By using this mortality map, the endemic prophylactic plans can be executed and assessed more efficiently by the local health bureau. |