題 名 | 木本植物吸收二氧化硫能力之評估(2)=Sorption of Sulfur Dioxide by Fifteen Native Tree Species in Taiwan(Ⅱ) |
作 者 | 高清; 孫岩章; 沈秋男; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 12:2=220 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁97-104 |
分類號 | 436.253 |
關鍵詞 | 木本植物; 連續式攪拌燻氣箱; 葉吸收二氧化硫的能力; Woody plants; Continuously stirred tank reactor; Sorption of sulfur dioxide by leaves; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我們用無患子、月橘、黃心柿、厚皮香、臺灣虎皮楠、臺灣黃楊、珊瑚樹、水黃 皮、 山櫻花、木荷、大頭茶、油茶、杜英、大葉楠及竹柏等 15 種 1 年生苗木進行在二氧 化硫入中熏蒸後,進行植物的耐性實驗及植物吸收能力試驗,得到下列的結果。 1. 植物耐性適應 將無患子等 15 種苗木分別於 86 年 3 月 31 日以 600ppb 熏蒸 2 小時,以 800ppb 熏蒸 2 小時。並於 38 小時至一星期之內觀察,發現並無顯示任何之病徵。 2. 植物吸收能力試驗 將無患子等 15 種苗木分別 350ppb 及 700ppb 測其吸收能力與沈降速度,其值如表一。且 經由 Duncan 氏多變異分析對沉降速度( Vd )作分析其結果如表二( 350ppb )及表三 ( 700ppb )。 表四則表示 15 種樹種對 SO �祠熇媬@度變異分析。 試驗結果顯示, 在 350ppb 時以水黃皮、杜英、油茶、厚皮香較佳;在 700ppb 時以珊瑚樹、水黃皮較佳。 |
英文摘要 | We fumigated one year old seedlings of the following species in 600ppb for 2 hrs and observed then for one week. We also fumigated the same species in 800ppb for 2 hrs and observed them for one week also. These species were Sapondus mukorossi Gaertn, Marruya paniculata Jack. var. paniculata, Diospyros maritima Blume, Ternstroemia gymnanthera Sprague, Daphniphyllum membranaceum Hay., Buxus microphylla Siet. et Zucc. Subsp. sinica Hatus., Viburnum odoratissimum Ker. ex. Maxim, Pongamia pinnata Merr., Frunus transarisanensis Maxim, Schima superba Gard. et Champ. var. superba, Gordonia axillaris Dietr., Camellia oleifera Abel., Elaeocarpus sylyestris Poir., Persea kusanoi (Hay.) Li and Podocarpus nagib Zoll. et Moritz. No visually obvious symptom appeared after the fumigation. In sorption experiment, we used the continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) to carry out the experiments of the sorption of sulphur dioxide by fifteen native tree species. After 350ppb and 700ppb sulfur dioxide fumigation for 2 hrs, the sulfur dioxide sorbed or depleted by plant leaves. The sorption rate were high in P. pinnata, E. sylrestris, C. oleifera and T. gymnanthera fumigated in 350ppb SO�� for 2 hrs; the sorption rates were high in V. odoratissimum and P. pinnata fumigated in 700ppb SO�病or 2 hrs. |