- 外米綴蛾(Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton))(鱗翅目:螟蛾科)成蟲羽化及壽命
- 茶姬捲葉蛾(Adoxophyes sp.)之羽化時刻及成蟲壽命
- 豆莢螟(Maruca vitrata)(鱗翅目:螟蛾科)之羽化、交尾與產卵行為
- 飼養外米綴蛾途中補充接種試驗
- 外米綴蛾飼養密度
- 飼料厚度與飼養外米綴蛾
- 荔枝細蛾(Conopomorpha Sinensis Bradley)成蟲之羽化、交尾、產卵與壽命
- 變溫下不同光週期對外米綴蛾發育及羽化之影響
- 不同光週期對外米綴蛾(Corcyra cephalonica Stainton)羽化率及產卵量之影響
- 定溫下不同光週期對外米綴蛾發育羽化及生殖力之影響
題 名 | 外米綴蛾(Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton))(鱗翅目:螟蛾科)成蟲羽化及壽命=Emergence and Longevity of the Rice Moth, Corcyra Cephalonica (Stainton)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) |
作 者 | 陳素瓊; 彭武康; | 書刊名 | 中華昆蟲 |
卷 期 | 18:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁135-140 |
分類號 | 387.793 |
關鍵詞 | 外米綴蛾; 羽化; 壽命; Corcyra cephalonica; Emergence; Longevity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 外米綴蛾(Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton))幼蟲以碎粒糙米飼養於30 ±1℃,70 ± 5%RH,每日06:00 開燈,18:00 關燈(12L:12D)之生長箱中,觀察成蟲羽化及壽命。結果得知雌、雄蛾每日之羽化時刻集中於12:00∼22:00,雄蛾羽化時刻較雌蛾早2∼3小時。雄蛾羽化高峰在17:00∼19:00,雌蛾在18:00∼20:00。羽化之雌、雄蛾單一配對飼養時,83.3% 雌蛾生產之子代個體中,雌、雄比依x�斐�驗附合1:1;其餘16.7%之雌蛾生產之子代個體中,雌、雄比大於1或小於1。但在同一族群中,雌、雄蛾個體比例為1:1。已交尾雌、雄蛾的壽命分別為8.1和12.9日,均較未交尾雌、雄者(10.2和16.4日)為短。 |
英文摘要 | Rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton)) larvae were reared on crushed brown rice in a growth chamber at 30±1℃, 70±5% RH, with a 12L:12D photoperiod (The light was turned on at 06:00 and was off at 18:00). Adults emerged from 12:00 to 22:00 each day. Male moths emerged 2-3 h earlier than the females. The emergence peak took place at 17:00-19:00 and 18:00-20:00 for males and females, respectively. Based on x�愒est of goodness of fit, the ratio of females to males was 1:1 in the population. Of females, 83.3% produced off spring whose ratio of females to males was equal to 1; the rest produced off spring with a ratio greater or less than 1. The mean longevity of mated females and males was 8.1 and 12.9 days respectively; of those unmated it was 10.2 and 16.4 days, respectively. |