題 名 | 老人非正式和正式照顧體系關係之初探:從家人和日託中心工作員協助項目的比較分析出發=The Relationship between Informal and Formal Care Systems for Elderly People: An Analysis of the Care Tasks Provided by Family Caregivers and Daycare Workers |
作 者 | 呂寶靜; | 書刊名 | 社會政策與社會工作學刊 |
卷 期 | 2:1 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁3-38 |
分類號 | 544.8 |
關鍵詞 | 非正式和正式照顧; 老人和社會照顧; 日間照護服務; 暫代照顧服務; 歇息服務; Informal and formal care; Aging and social care; Day care services; Respite care; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文試圖從家人和日託中心工作員對老人提供協助項目的比較分析,來檢證有關 老人非正式和正式關係之三種理論模式: 層級補償模式( hierarchical compensatory model )、 職務取向模式( task specific model )、及補充模式( supplemental )。 資料的蒐集方式為面訪問卷調查,計訪問了六所日託中心的 92 名老人使用者。 研究發現可歸納為下列四項結論:(一)使用日託服務的老人仍從家人獲得許多協助,這也 意味著日託中心工作員不能完全替代家人,故「正式服務會取代家照顧」是一種迷思,此一 發現駁斥了層級補償模式所主張的 " 各要素之相互替代性 "。 (二)非正式照顧體系(家 人)的照顧和正式體系(老人日託中心工作員)的協助項目不是「全然分工」,也不是「完 全重複」,而是「部分重複相同、部分分工不同」,故較符合補充模式的理論。此一發現可 能因本研究的正式服務係以日間照護服務方案為例,而日間照顧方案的目的原就具有補充家 庭照顧的意含。(三)當老人可從家人和工作員獲得相同項目的協助之同時,老人接受家人 的協助感到較自在,此一發現證實家人仍是老人支持要素中的優勢偏好。(四)家人和日託 中心工作員提供相異的工作項目之比較分析顯示:家人提供的協助項目是非技術性的,且這 些協助要求地理上的鄰近性及長期的時間投入;反之,日託中心工作員所提供的服務是可預 測的、例行化的、需要技術性知識,此一結果也部份支持職務分工模式的主張。本文最後並 針對研究發現提出老人福利政策和未來研究方向的建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between informal and formal care systems for the elderly. an interview survey of 92 day care users was conducted to collect data. The conclusions can be drawn the findings: First of all, although elderly people use day care service, they still receive lots of assistance from family members. That is, day care workers can not completely substitute family caregivers, and therefore the assumption that formal services will substitute family care is merely a myth. Secondly, the tasks provided by day care workers are not completely different from the assistance given by family caregivers, neither are they totally the same. In other words, the finding suggests that the relationship between informal and formal care is supplemental. In addition, the comparison of different tasks indicated that family members tend to give help which require only everyday knowledge and face-to-face proximity, while day care workers are more inclined to provide predictable tasks which require technical knowledge. Thirdly, when elderly people can receive the assistance both from day care workers and family caregivers, they feel more comfortable with family assistance. The finding, to some degree, support the hypothesis that family is the most preferred. Finally, policy implications and future research directions are discussed. |