題 名 | 蘭地傳統木作維修藝匠之探討=A Survey of the Traditional Overhaul Craftsmen in Lan-Yang Area |
作 者 | 林福春; | 書刊名 | 宜蘭農工學報 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁185-207 |
分類號 | 927.1 |
關鍵詞 | 寺廟屋頂之興築; 壽樑之拆換; 寺廟中脊之拆換; 丹墀拜亭興築; The construction and overhaul of the roofs of temples; The dismantling and recovering of shou-ling; The dismantling and recovering of the central pillars of temples; The construction of bai-ting in the patio; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 筆者於民國八十三年三月曾在「第九屆全國技術及職業教育研討會」中發表「消 代噶瑪蘭藝匠概況暨傳統寺院之維修」一文,自此以後,蘭陽地區無論任何古建築的拆遷或 匠師以傳統工法興築寺院之藝匠,筆者均鍥而不捨全力以赴作追蹤記述,務必使即將面臨失 傳的傳統技法保存下來, 茲將本文摘要條例于后:(一)宜蘭昭應宮(二)宜蘭城隍廟 -- ヾ偏殿前後山之興築ゝ三川步、口廊壽樑與桁樑之拆換ゞ門廳壽樑之拆換々偏殿之維修與三 川殿樑架之拆換。ぁ偏殿丹墀「拜亭」之增建(三)「林氏宗祠」正殿中脊之拆換維修等。 此中擔綱匠師為溪北的木作「薪傳獎」得主陳合元老先生,以上除了匠師精湛的技藝之外, 本文記述之舉,實亦象徵著自噶瑪蘭時代以返的精神文明被重新探討之真義,因此在研究傳 統藝匠的同時,吾人所要喚起的是國人在面對維護及保存固有傳統文化的課題時,所應有的 期許與努力! |
英文摘要 | This writer presented his paper "Ge-ma-lan Craftsmen in the Qing Dynasty and traditional Temples Maintenance" in the Ninth Symposium on National Technological and Vocational education held in March, 1994. Ever since the presentation, he has spared no efforts in tracking down the dismantling of the old temples and those craftsmen who constructed the temples in a traditional way, so that the traditional crafsmanship which was soon going to lose could be handed down. The abstract is listed as follows: (1) Zhao-ing Temple, (2) Cheng-huang Temple in I-lan: (a) the construction of side hall (b) the dismantling and recovering of "Shou-ling" and "Heng-ling" in "San-chuan-bu-kou-lang" (c) the dismantling and recovering of "Shou-ling" in "Men-lang" (d) the overhaul of side hall; the dismantling and recovering of pillars in "San-chuan-dian" (e) the addition of "Bai-ting" to the patio of the the side hall; (3) the dismantling, recovering, and overhaul of central pillars of the main hall of Lins Family Temple; The leading craftsman is Master Chen, Hoyuan who won the award of lineage of woodwork in the north to the Lan-yang River. In addition to the survey of the craftsmen's arts, this paper indicates a symbol of re-exploration of the spiritual civilization since the Ge-ma-lan Era. While studying the status of the traditional craftsmen, this writer urges the citizents to live up to the expectation of the maintenance of their traditional inherent culture. |