題 名 | 洗錢防制相關法律之適用問題的探討=The Money Laundering Control Act: Along with Other Laws/Acts Dealing with Criminal Activity |
作 者 | 謝立功; | 書刊名 | 中山學術論叢 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁191-230 |
分類號 | 562.3 |
關鍵詞 | 洗錢防制法; 洗錢犯罪; 重大犯罪; 競合; Money laundering; Severe crimes; Financial institutions; The money laundering control act; The narcotics control act; The hazardous narcotics prevention act; The computer-processed personal data protection law; The trade secrets act; The banking law; The banking law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國洗錢防制法施行已一年,但洗錢犯罪在我國仍屬一較新的犯罪態樣, 由於必 須先涉及毒品、貪瀆、經濟犯罪等各類型重大犯罪,再以掩飾、隱匿、收受、搬運、寄藏、 故買或牙保等各種手法漂白其不法所得,才能該當洗錢罪。故洗錢防制法之性質頗為特殊, 其條文內容是否有不符法理或有無窒礙難行之處,均有待深入檢討。又該法與銀行法、營業 秘密法、電腦處理個人資料保護法及其他相關行政法令間之關係,以及可能涉及刑法、懲治 經濟犯罪法規、毒品危害防制條例、麻醉藥品管理條例、組織犯罪防制條例、貪污治罪條例 等罪刑競合之問題,均為研究分析之重點。本文期能達到兼具學術上討論之深度與實務上可 供參考適用之效果。 |
英文摘要 | Money Laundering is an enormous global problem which fuels the activities of terrorists, arms dealers, and the other criminals. To address this problem, Taiwan's Legislative Yuan enacted the Money Laundering Control Act (MLCA) on October 3rd, 1996. After a preparation period of six months, Taiwan authorities began to active enforcement this law on April 23rd, 1997. Money Laundering particular difficult to investigative because of the sophistication of the legal, financial, and computer experts involved. The placing, layering, and the final integration of money derived from all forms of serious criminal activities often involves many stages and it is quite difficult to trace. Also, because of the close connection between money laundering prevention and other anti-crime legislation, the MLCA must be viewed in relationship with the Narcotics Control Act, and the Hazardous Narcotics Prevention Act, as well as the Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law, the Trade Secrets Act and Banking Law. Therefore, this paper attempts to identify the current scope of the money laundering problem in Taiwan. It also addresses problems dealing with the relationship between the MLCA and other anti-crime laws in Taiwan. |