題 名 | Le Sommeil Delivre d'Andree Chedid, une Vraie Delivrance?--Etude de la Conscience Feminine dans le Sommeil Delivre=「無束縛的昏睡」,真正的解脫束縛嗎?--安德列.雪蒂德「無束縛的昏睡」一書之研究=Free Slumber of Andree Chedid, a Real Deliverance?--A Study of le Sommeil Delivre |
作 者 | 黃馨逸; | 書刊名 | 華岡外語學報 |
卷 期 | 5 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁155-179 |
分類號 | 876.57 |
關鍵詞 | 無束縛的昏睡; Chedid, Andree; |
語 文 | 法文(French) |
中文摘要 | 安德列.雪蒂德,1920年生於埃及,祖籍黎巴嫩。自幼父母離異,因此雪蒂德一直就讀於埃及以及巴黎的寄宿學校。二十一歲時她與法籍醫科學生路易.雪蒂德結褵並於1946 年移居巴黎。 雪蒂德一再強調自己是兩種文化、兩種生活方式,甚至兩種思想下的結晶。東西文化並存在她的血液中,並激發了她在小說、戲劇與詩歌方面文采的展現。童年生活與早年在埃及的閱歷在她的創作生涯中扮演了舉足輕重的地位。 雪蒂德第一本小說〈無束縛的昏睡〉將讀者引入一個情感衝擊極激烈的世界中。故事中的女主角珊亞可謂在極其原始蠻荒的現代中東陋習下成長的產物。因為在中東社會女性的存在價值只能歸納於兩種目的:侍奉男性以及綿延子嗣。女子不需要也無法接受教育。因此,對自己存在功能的否定使她們心理狀態可謂匱乏荒蕪。 作者筆下的珊亞是一個習於強烈質疑自我價值觀的女子。在小說中,自治至終她都將自己真正的需求積壓於心中,直到內心的紊亂怨忿決堤奔竄一舉湮滅了她刻意營建的無聲世界。她最後的癱瘓,只不過是對自己無力抗衡存在於週邊種種不人道、不合理事實的消極吶喊。 〈無束縛的昏睡〉一書不僅忠實地表現了一位女子的成長, 更試圖解放所有中東社會中被道德傳統禁錮的女性,甚或西方開放社會中仍執意將心靈幽閉的都會女性。因此,藉著本篇短文,我們將探討在〈無束縛的昏睡〉一書中婦女由壓抑、精神受折磨到自我放棄,而後提出最後反擊的女性自覺提出討論並針對雪蒂德細緻、優美的寫作技巧做一分析。 |
英文摘要 | Andree Chedid was born in Cairo in 1920 of Egyptian-Lebanese origin. Chedid's parents devorced when she was young, so she was sent to boarding schools in Cairo and in Paris. Married at the age of twenty-one to Louis Chedid, a French medical student, she moved to Paris in 1946 with her husband. Chedid has repeatedly said that she is the product of two civilizations, two styles of life and two psyches. These dichotomies are fused, however, in the works of her novels, drama and poetry. Her childhood and her early memories, particularly those associated with Egypt, played an important role in her formation as a writer. Le sommeil delivre, Chedid's first novel, introduces the reader to a world of ambivalent and complex emotions. It is the story of a woman, Samya, the product of a certain type of contemporary Middle Eastern upbringing with its harsh and brutal customs that have not evolved since the Dark Ages. In the Middle Eastern society, the women's earthly existence is wholly devoted to serving two certain specific purposes- to serve man and to procreate. Women need not and should not be educated. Feelings of uselessness reduce her to state of psychological penury. Samya's needs are kept at bay throughout the novel until the conflagration destroys the world of solitude. Her paralysis is a manifestation of her inability to cope with daily existence. Le Sommeil delivre captures not only one woman's world but also that of all women, whether living cloistered in Middle Eastern land or liberated in a modern metropolis yet still imprisoned within their own psychological world. |