題 名 | 鹽水對蔬果上有機硫磺劑農藥殘留量洗滌效果之研究=The Washing Effect of Saline on the Residues of Dithiocarbamates on Fruits and Vegetables |
作 者 | 蔡世勇; 陳鈺鈐; 陳漢恒; | 書刊名 | 華岡理科學報 |
卷 期 | 15 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁187-210 |
分類號 | 433.85 |
關鍵詞 | 農藥; 有機硫磺劑; 鹽水; 洗滌; Fungicides; Dithiocarbamates; Saline; Washing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文乃使用不同有機蔬硫磺劑農藥,包括:錳乃浦,鋅乃浦,鋅錳乃浦,甲基鋅乃浦,得恩地等,分別稀釋成固定濃度溶液,使用不同之蔬果,包括:葡萄,蓮霧,小蕃茄,李子,枇杷,桃子,高麗藝,白菜,及韭菜等,上述蔬果經有機硫磺劑農藥處理後,並經不同濃度之鹽水(0,1,3,5%),尋求最佳洗藥有機硫磺劑農藥在蔬果殘留量之條件,再進一步購買市場含有機硫磺劑農藥的上述蔬果,直接利用上述之洗滌條件,探討有機硫磺劑農藥在市售蔬果的殘留量。 實驗方法乃是將上述蔬果,經有機硫磺劑農藥溶液處理後,依呈色法定量分析,結果顯示:葡萄,小蕃茄,高麗菜,和菠菜回收率,分別為91±6%,94±4%,92±2%,86±6%,上述蔬果以5%濃度鹽水洗滌時,除去有機硫磺劑農藥殘留效果為最佳,而3%,1%次之;鹽水之洗滌蔬果效果,均比清水為佳,鹽水洗效果因蔬果不同,均約優於清水10至50%不等,由於一般家庭傳統用量較5%濃度的鹽水為低,故本研究以3%鹽度的鹽水,作為洗滌蔬果上的殘留有機硫磺劑農藥,再由進一步結果顯示:洗滌時間長,葡萄上之有機硫磺劑殘留量,會因洗滌時間之增長而降低,但並非依正比例的減低;以單位時間清除率而言,以3分鐘為最有效;又不論清水或鹽水洗滌,以表面光滑之水果洗滌效果為佳,表面糙,不平滑,或帶毛之蔬果,洗不易且殘留量高,表面粗糙而炎毛之蔬果經鹽水洗滌後,含有機硫磺劑殘留量,較表面光滑之水果約為高出50%;另實驗顯示,葡萄,枇杷和高麗菜,分別經錳乃浦,鋅錳乃浦,鋅乃浦處理後,當天與置放10天後,不經洗滌之葡萄,枇杷,高麗菜之留量分別降低50%,40%,20%;故放置越久,有機硫磺劑殘留量越降低,但洗滌效果亦越差,枇杷,高麗菜當天與置放10天後比較,洗滌效果較新鮮水果為差,約差35%,但鹽水之洗滌效果仍較清水好,約較好10%;從菜市場直接購買上述不同蔬果檢體,並經實驗證實該等蔬果,均含有機硫磺劑農藥,故分別直接以清水,及3%鹽水洗滌作比較,結果顯示:鹽水比清水之洗滌效果好10至15%;使用3%鹽水,0.1%次氯酸鈉,和1%清潔劑等三種洗滌劑,作為洗滌效果比較,結果顯示:次氯酸鈉和清潔劑,比鹽水具有更佳之洗滌效力,再由實驗結果顯示,上述有機硫磺劑,不論在3%鹽水,或在清水中,其溶解度順序如下:TMTD>錳乃浦>鋅錳乃浦,而且有機硫磺劑在鹽水的溶解度均大於清水,由此可說明,有機硫磺劑在鹽水中有較大的溶解度,乃說明鹽水具有較佳洗滌力,成為其中之一種因素,說明有機硫磺劑農藥在鹽水下洗滌,較清水為佳的效果。 |
英文摘要 | The optimal conditions for removing dithiocarbamate fungicide residues from fruits and vegetables by saline solutions were reported. Fruits and vegetables such as cabbages, grapes, small tomatos, peaches, Peking cabbages, spinaches, plums, strawberries, loquats, etc were used. The dithiocarbamates including Zineb, Maneb, Mancozeb, Propineb and Thiram were used for this study. It was found that the higher the concentration of saline solutions, the better the efficiency to remove such residues from fruits and vegetables by 10 to 50% depending on the kinds of dithiocarbamates, and the sizes, shapes and surfaces of the fruits and vegetables. However, 3% of saline concentration was adopted for latter studies due to the fact that this concentration is more economical, traditional and practical for family daily use. The longer the washing time, the better the washing effect to remove the above said dithiocarbamate residues by 3% saline from fruits and vegetables. Three minutes washing time will be used studies because this length of time is more efficient and practical for family washing purpose. The increases of soaking time improve the washing effects; however, soaking for 3 min is more effective in terms of efficiency per unit of time. The increases of volume sizes of saline solution for washings have better effect to remove the dithiocarbamate residues from fruits and vegetables; however, this effect will depend upon the sizes, shapes and the surfaces of the fruit and vegetables. Washing with saline or water is considerably more effective on smooth surface of fruits and vegetables as compared with rough ones. Dithiocarbamate residues degrade gradually as the lengths of storage time [up to 10 days] increase fro fruits and vegetables. Washing with saline or water is therefore, considerably less effective to remove aged dithiocarbamate residues from fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables purchased from the market were found to be contaminated with dithiocarbamates. And were used directly for washing studies. It was found that the washing with saline can effectively remove these dithiocarbamates residues(0-15%) as compared with water. The washing effects of 3% saline, 0.1% sodium hypochlorite and 1% detergent were compared, it was found that the washing effect of saline is much less effective as compared with sodium hypochlorite and detergent. However, saline dose not have toxic effect to humans as compared with the corresponded chemicals. The solubilities of the above said said dithiocarbamates in 3% saline is higher than water by approximately 64%. This is one of the factors explaining why the above said dithiocarbamates can be removed more effectively by saline as compared with water. The solubilities of dithiocarbamates decrease in the following order:TMTD>Maneb>Mancozeb<Zineb. |