題 名 | 臺灣區運動會田徑運動比賽成績表現之比較與分析=An Analysis and Comparison of the Performance in the Athletics Competitional at the Taiwan Area Games |
作 者 | 李運來; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 3(下) 民87.06 |
頁 次 | 頁437-479 |
分類號 | 528.94 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣區運動會; 田徑運動; 比賽成績表現; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在比較八十五年與八十六年臺灣區運動會,田徑運動各項比賽前八名成 績表現之差異。分析對象為田徑運動男子二十個項目及女子十九項目之決賽前八名選手,男 、女四百公尺接力及一千六百公尺接力不列入比較與分析的範圍內。其比較研究後獲得結論 及建議如下: 一、結論(一)八十五、八十六年前八名平均成績比較結果,男子部份在二十項比賽項目中 ,八十六年較八十五年進步的有十一項,退步的有九項。女子部份共有十九項比賽項目,八 十六年較八十五年進步的有八項,退步的有九項,有二項(橕竿跳高及三級跳遠)為新設的 項目。(二)八十六年六月才由中學畢業的選手,根據調察大部份選手的比賽成績都呈現退 步的現象。(三)在四天的競賽中,由於選手參加項目不受限,許多優秀選手都報名參加了 多項目的比賽,經筆者在比賽期間與多位優秀選手閒談中瞭解,他們只求獲得較佳名次,無 心突破自己最佳的成績。(四)馬拉松項目參加比賽的選手逐年減少,女子八十五年有十一 位下場比賽,八十六年只有九位。男子八十五年有十四位下場,八十六年只有九位。 二、建議(一)體委會已成立,掌管全國體育運動,希望有計劃的定訂培養、培訓優秀教練 及選手,以提升我國田徑運動之成績表現。(二)增加選手年度間比賽機會,除可檢測選手 各訓練階段的技能外,並可發掘有潛力的選手。(三)建議調整區運會比賽日期至每年五月 底,使國內的比賽一年中只有一個高峰,教練及選手較容易掌握訓練績效,並能發揮最佳的 成績表現。(四)高中學生六月畢業後至九、十月進入大學或男生入伍期間,是一個真空時 期,建議各單項協會利用這一段真空期,以培訓方式集中訓練,使優秀運動員能在最放鬆, 無壓力的心情之下,得以繼續練習,才不會發生畢業後,無心、無教練、無場地練習的窘境 ,使成績無法在進步,影響及阻斷優秀選手的成績發展。(五)馬拉松項目為適合東方人發 展的運動項目之一,可惜參加比賽的選手逐年減少,由於一次比賽須動用龐大的人力及經費 ,因此期盼田徑界的先進朋友及選手們,多支持、多鼓勵,讓這個適合東方人發展的項目, 能在國際的田徑賽會中,為我國爭取無數的獎牌。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of the first eight-place winners in Track and Field events at the Taiwan Area Games in 1996 and in 1997. The subjects were those competitors who had won the top eight places in the finals in twenty men's euents and nineteen women's euents except four hundred and one thousand six hundred relay race events. On the basis of the analysis and comparison, the conclusions and suggestions were drawn as follows: (A) Conclusions 1. In eleven male's events among twenty, the performance of the first eight places was better in 1997 than that in 1996, and in nine events the performance was worse. Meanwhile, in a total of nineteen female's events, there were eight events in which the performance in 1997 was superior to that in 1996, but the regressive events were nine. (Pole Vault and Triple Jump were newly added events.) 2.Most of the performance of the competitors who graduated from senior high school in June, 1997 regressed. 3.Without any entry limitation, a competitor, having participated in various events, only expected a better place rather than better performance. 4.The number of Marathon athletes was getting less and less, there were only eleven female and ten male competitors in 1996 In 1997, only nine female and nine male competitors took part in this event. (B) Suggestions 1.To improve the athlete's performance, the National Committee of Physical Education should make every endeavor to cultivate and train outstanding coaches and athletes. 2.Athletes should be given more opportunities of taking part in competitions so as to find potential athletes as well as examine their skills. 3.The date of the Taiwan Area Games should be shifted to the end of May when all competitions could be held at the same time. Thus, coaches and athletes could easily accomplish their training goals. 4.Before high school graduates who graduate in June enter college or are called up for military service in September or October, all respective sports associations should provide them with intensive training courses. Without any pressure, the athletes would obtain the training achievement completely. 5.Though Marathon has been regarded as one of the most appropriate events for oriental athletes, the number of its competitors is getting less and less. On account of the huge expenditure and human resources in a competition, the author hopes that this event can be backed up by our senior physical education workers and athletes; thus the more prizes can be won for our country in international athletics competitions. |