題 名 | 數學教學轉型與關鍵事件=Mathematical Teaching Transition and Critical Events |
作 者 | 鍾靜; | 書刊名 | 臺北師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁537+539-569+571-572 |
分類號 | 523.32 |
關鍵詞 | 小學數學教育; 數學教師成長; 數學課程; 數學教師知識; Mathematical education of elementary school; Mathematical teacher development; Mathematical curriculum; Teacher's knowledge of mathematics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國國民小學八十二年版數學課程於民國八十五學年度開始全面逐年實施,其 主要改革在數學教學由發現轉向建,重視具體活動、學習歷程,培養兒童群體解 題文化,並配合兒童的認知發展進行教學;因此教師所扮演的角色將做大幅度的調 整。在職教師有較豐富的教學經驗、較定型的教學方法,教學是否轉型以符合課程 的主張?探究促動低年級數學教師轉型的關建事件是本文重點,也可為實施在職教 育的素材。 數學新課程的教學既是建構導向的,教師的在職教育也應從建構入手,而且學 校也是教師在職教育的場所,所以在一所小學營造一個像課程全面實施時各國小 狀況一樣的環境形成文化;並在有互動的動態式研究模式下,藉二年的教室觀察、 個別晤談和定期教學研討,觀察北師實小低年級六位教師對實施數學新理念教學的 轉型情形。 教師在實作與反省的過程中,尤其是週二教學研討對「教與學」的深入討論, 產生反省的交互作用,再配合實作,促使教師教學有轉變。二年來,研究者找出最 重要的十四個關鍵事件,分成有關數學知識、教學知識、兒童認知、班級經營及其 他五類做描述、分析,以瞭解教師轉型的動力;可為其他教師也想達成任務或認同 理念時,進行教學轉型的參照,更可提供數學教育界瞭解數學新課程實施時的可能 狀況。 |
英文摘要 | The 1933 edition of national curriculum of mathematies for elementary school has gadually come into use nationwide since 1996. Ies revolutionary ideas are that learning is constructing not discovering, that teaching must emphasize concrete activity and process. that the curriculum should develop children's collective problem-solving culture in classroom and that the scope and esquence should coordinate with children's mathematical cognitive development. Therefore teachers have to change their roles greatly. Since an experienced teacher alse carries a fixed teaching style, would she transform her style to fit the ideas of the new curriculum? This paper tries to report the invesgations of the critical events that prompt the lower grade teachers to transform. the content of the critical events can be adapted for the development of working teachers. Since the teaching of now curriculum is construction oriented. the on- the-job development should be constructive as well Because the school is the very site for a teacher's development, we decided to create in a school a kind of environment in which the now curriculum would be introduced. This is necessary for developing new curriculum classroom culture. In a kind of dynamic and interactive reseach model, with two-year classroom observations, one-to-one interviews and weekly teaching workshops, we observed six teachers of lower grades of NTTC Laboratory school for their transition toward new ideas about teaching of new curriculum. In the process of practice and reflection, especially in Tuesday's teaching workshops where the teachers discussed meanings of episodes in the classroom, the teachers' reflection interacted and the teachers did change their mode of teaching For two tears, the reseachers distilled fourteen most important critical events. They are divided into five categories; teacher's mathematical knowledge, teacher's pedagogical Knowledge, teacher's Knowledge of children's cognition. classroom management and the rest. We analyse the events to have a better understanding about teacher's changing mechanism. We believe that our findings could be helpful for other teachers of the same mission and that these provid vital information for mathematical educationists who want to know about the possibilities when the new curriculum is adopted nationwide |