題 名 | 電腦中介溝通與合作學習=Computer-Mediated Communication and Collaborative Learning in Higher Education |
作 者 | 田耐青; 洪明洲; | 書刊名 | 臺北師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-22 |
分類號 | 521.53 |
關鍵詞 | 電腦中介溝通; 建構論; 合作學習; 高等教育; 班級教學; Computer-mediated communication; Constructivism; Collaborative learning; Higher education; Classroom teaching; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著二十一世紀的即將到來,網路科技已逐漸邁入成熟與普及的階段;影響所 及,台灣的高等教育也開始嚐試運用網路科技以革新教學。相關的文獻探討顯示, 參與「運用網路科技革新教學」類型研究專案的教師及學生,其教與學的經驗均顯 示網路科技最能夠發揮其屬性專長,以幫助教與學的重點項目之一即是電腦中介溝 通(Computer-Mediated Communication, CMC)。而藉助電腦中介溝通許多相較 於傳統教室內溝通的優勢屬性,如:非同步溝通、多方向溝通、個別化溝通、自動記 錄溝通內容等,來落實建構論的合作學習(collaborative learning)理念,以促進學 習,也正是九零年代以來,教學科技界一個重要的研究趨勢。 本文所介紹的一個國內的個案:VICTORY(Virtual Classroom and Virtual Corporation System,虛擬教室虛擬企業系統),便是一位高等教育機構的教 師運用電腦中介溝通,落實建構論理念於其班級教學的實例。該教師嚐試運用電腦 中介溝通建立一個學習環境,教師及學生在其間能夠有頻繁的、平等的、深入的討 論與辯證,及真正的合作學習。經由這些互動與合作的歷程,該班學生建構並修正 自己的知識體系,並於學期末彙整學習心得,共同出版了一本書,具體的展現了學 習的成果。 由學期末學生填答的李克式態度量表數據分析結果顯示,整體而言,學生對此 課程融入電腦中介溝通以增加師生互動,並落實合作學習表示正向的態度。學生對 此課程最感滿意之處在於教師運用電腦中介溝通,增加師生及同儕間的互動。學生 是否能順利上網顯著影響其對網路教學滿意度。學生不因性別不同而對此課程融入 電腦中介溝通有不同的滿意度。該李克式量表收錄在附錄中。作者也以自身的教學 經驗,對有興趣於此的教學實務工作者及研究者提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | A Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) device, Virtual Classroom & Virtual Corporation System (VICTORY), was developed and integrated into a Taiwan higher education classroom with an aim to provide a techmology-supported Constructivist learning envirment (TS-CLE) where high-quality instructional interactions and true collaboration existed among learnerss and teacher. Individual students wer required to participate in an electronic forum before face-to-face discussions took place in the actual classroom. The electronic forum was the virtual classroom component of the system. The class (undergraduate students in their senior year) was challenged by the professor to work togete as a team in order to publish a book on this novel learning experience and the knowledge they collaboratively construcied. That was the virtual corporation function of the system. By the end of spring semester 1997, two books were published on the market. which reported, from the students' and the professor's perspectives, the learning process which occurred in and the learning product which resulted form VICTORY as a learning environment. The ideas and practices contained in these two books had stimulated tremendous responses in the field of higher education. This paper first reports typical communication pattees in Taiwan traditioal classrooms. It reviews literatures on collaborative learning, Constructivism, and Computer-Mediated Communication. It then describes VICTORY and its integration in the second author's Business Policy course at a public university in northern Taiwan. Analyses of results of the questionnaire survey of students' satisfaction with CMC are discussed. Recormmendations to educators who wish to integrate CMC and Constructivism in their classroom teaching as well as to educators who wish to conduct CMC and Constructivism related research are provided at the end of this paper. The 19-item Likert scale questionnaire is included in the appendix. |