題 名 | 英國的住宅政策發展及其對我國住宅建設的啟示=The Development of British Housing Policy and Its Implication for Taiwan's Comprehensive Housing Policy |
作 者 | 翁樹陽; | 書刊名 | 臺灣土地金融季刊 |
卷 期 | 35:2=136 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁27-49 |
分類號 | 542.61 |
關鍵詞 | 住宅政策規劃; 英國住宅體制; Housing policy planning; British housing policy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國公部門參與住宅建設,向以為數稀少的國民住宅建設為主,大部分住宅存量 均由民間提供,惟特殊歷史背景,致發展成住宅業務分散各目的事業主管機關。住宅行政體 系不僅政策目標未明,且事權分散各部會,預算來源不同,補助標準互異;而,國宅與身份 補貼對象重疊,形成補貼資源非效率與不公平。另一方面,政府對民間住宅建設之輔導,多 為短期之金融手段,唯成效仍有待評估。我國行政院經建會已於一九九七年研擬整體住宅政 策(草案),由分析當前住宅現況與問題,考量住宅政策之基本因素,研擬住宅政策架構, 包括一般住宅政策及補助中低收入住宅政策與短中長程辦理事項及分工。該草案深入住宅問 題並提出政策架構及內涵,設置住宅專責機構之期程有突破性想法,惟,對政策規劃之重要 元素,如中央與地方關係、照顧對象機制及資源整合、民間參與住宅建設、提供合理價位住 宅之規劃開發經管以及永續之社區更新等要項,仍有待進一步探討。 本文旨在試圖釐清英國(英格蘭地區)的整體住宅建設政策的觀念與做法,期能為國內 推動整體住宅政策之參考。內容除了探討英國的住宅政策發展沿革、影響住宅政策規劃與執 執行的主要因素與住宅系統與行政體系外,並針對整體住宅政策相關課題,如合宜價位住宅 用地規劃、特別需要群體、私部門參與住宅建設與政策執行設計等之優勢與可能面臨的問題 ,提出對我國整體住宅規劃之建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this article is to describe the latest development of contemporary Britsh housing system specific in England, and to investigate influence factors and key issues in policy practice that we may learn for the formation of Taiwan's comprehensive housing policy. There are six sections. First section describes the need and recent development of Taiwan's comprehensive housing policy and the contract that we may learn from the British public sector involvement. The evolution of British housing policy with four periods has been described in section two. Section three analyses the factors influencing the formation and implement of policy. Since the implomentation of housing policy depends heavily on the organization which participated, the British housing construction and administration system has been investigated in section four. Section five explores key issues that may relevant to the formation of Taiwan's comprehensive housing policy, such as planning for affordable housing, housing for special need, private sector participation and strategic designfor policy implementation. What Taiwan's comprehcnsive housing policy may learn from the experience of British has been summarized as follows: 1.For the purpose of equal opportunity, the housing subsidy system should transfer from personnel social status of career groups to special or household needs. 2.For allocating sacred public resources more efficiency, the scattered public resources should be integrated and the not-for-profit social housing administ- ration should be separated from general speculative housing. 3.Integrating the land use planning system and housing development opportunities to provide suitable sites for affordable housing, especially in the case of public ownorship land released for affordable housing. 4.Local authoritics should play a lead role on social housing development and management. The participation of local lcommunities in the formation of housing policy should be encouraged. 5.Given that public-private partnership approach for housing development, the accountability of implementation should be considered more carefully, such as board member of the committee, interest avoidance, financial audit as well as open information. |