題 名 | 「續夷堅志」探析=The Summary of Shiuh I Chjan Chih |
作 者 | 鍾屏蘭; | 書刊名 | 屏東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁213-231 |
分類號 | 823.3256 |
關鍵詞 | 小說; 續夷堅志; 元好問; Shiuh i chjan chin; Yuan i shan; Fiction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | <<續夷堅志>>是金源一代文宗元遺山的作品,它的形式主要是仿南宋洪邁<<夷堅 志 >> 所撰寫的志怪筆記小說,內容多屬一些神鬼靈異及奇聞異事。有些大陸學者認為此書 「荒誕不經,宣傳封建迷信思想」,亦有些學者認為,此書內容與遺山一介純儒的生情思想 、志意襟抱並不相應,故本文特結合遺山生平與其討詞古文著作,連同此書內容作深入探析 。經過本文的研究,<< 續夷堅志 >> 此書雖繼承了六朝志怪的遺緒,採筆記小說的形式 寫作,但書中主要是透過志怪小說之筆,把金元暴政的凶殘,神州陸沉的災難,以及亂世人 心的狀態描述出來,其他有些是中原各地文物的采風,或是當代知名人物碑志序記的補充資 料,總之可說充滿了史料的性質。故從而我們可以推斷,或許因為遺山有強烈的修史之志, 在往來各地,廣集博採史料的同時,即使是傳聞怪異也不輕棄。但異人、異事、異物、又不 便入正史記載,所以把此類資料集成這部著作。因此這部書可說是「正史」之餘緒,是遺山 有意「以筆記小說存史」的一部書。且其中雖有很多的怪誕不經,神鬼迷信,其實卻有以怪 誕反映亂世的殘酷,以怪誕顯現亂世悲愴的詩人之意,實兼包史學與文學的雙重意義與價值 。與為人志在用世,為詩「賦到滄桑句便工」的遺山整體形象,是統一和諧而不矛盾的。 |
英文摘要 | Shiuh I Chjan Chih was written by Yuan I Shan. Yuan I Shan was one of the greatest literature in the Chin Dynasty, and he used to express his thinking in his work. However, Shiuh I Chjan Chih, a very different work from his style, contained many short mysterious stories. Basically, Yuan I Shan imitated Hung May's work-I Chjan Chih to write this book. Some of literature thought Shiuh I Chjan Chih propose absurd and feudalistic superstitious thinking. Also, some of literature thought this book's writing style is too far from Yuan I Shan's other work. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to make comparison of Shiuh I Chjan Chih and his other poetry. Shiuh I Chjan Chih mainly describe the disaster of the occupation from Chin, Chin's tyranny of the government, and contemporary people's mind. Also, Yuan I Shan collected many famous introductions and local products of a culture. From here, although this book keeps previous dynasty's literature's writing style, it still owns its historical characteristics. Therefore, we could guess that Yuan I Shan had strong mind to trace this history, and he traveled many places to collect stories even mysterious stories. However, these mysterious stories could not record in standard historical record, so Yuan I Shan used these stories to write this book. Although this book has many absurd and feudalistic superstitious stories, these stories reflect disaster of contemporary people. Therefore, this book had historical and literary value. When Yuan I Shan wrote the portray about the times of anarchy, his work would become out standing writing which had already expressed in this book. |