題 名 | 大陸小學體育師資養成制度之探討=The Cultivation System of Physical Education Teachers in Primary Schools in Mainland China |
作 者 | 花梅真; | 書刊名 | 國立體育學院論叢 |
卷 期 | 8:2 1998.04[民87.04] |
頁 次 | 頁189-202 |
分類號 | 528.91 |
關鍵詞 | 體育師資; 養成制度; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自大陸「建政」之後,便致力於師範教育的開展,可從各項相關法令的陸續公佈 窺其端倪,但實際的落實情形卻未必如。雖然大陸當局採取了諸多措施以便盡快增加小學的 師資數量,但在「大躍進」時期重質不重量的結果,卻使得已有初步發展的師範教育遭受到 第一次挫折。之後的「文化大革命」,又將僅有的基礎幾乎摧毀殆盡。所以,現今大陸的師 資養成制度,可說是從 1977 年以後才慢慢打穩基礎、重新建立起來的。 現今大陸小學體育師資的養成可分職前教育與在職進修兩部份。職前教育主要由中師負責, 以初中畢業生為對象,修業年限分三年和四年兩種。而負責小學教師在職進修的機構則為縣 級教師進修學校,其方式除了函授以外,尚有離職輪訓、業餘進修、短期培訓等。 從大陸小學體育師資的養成制度來看,要落實小學體育教學,現有的師資陣容勢必要改進, 要快速改善師資,唯有對在職教師提供完善的進修管道,才是當務之急。 |
英文摘要 | As far as the development of the normal teacher education in Mainland China is concerned, we can divide it into four periods as follows: 1. The Construction period: Due to the development of the national education, lots of strategies have been adopted to increase the amount of teachers at high speed. 2. The period of Great-step forward: the growth in the amount of normal teacher schools was surprising, The quality, however, was lowering. 3. The period of Civil Revolution: The left foundation of the cultivation was almost destroyed. 4. After 1977: the system was rebuilt and the foundation was reconstructed step by step. Although The sports achievement in Mainland China is quite outstanding, there is much to be expected in their cultivation system of the primary school teachers. On the one hand, the teacher faculty should be improved to implement the teaching of physical education. On the other hand, more excellent secondary school students should be involved in teaching of physical education. But most importantly and effectively is to provide a reasonable and perfect further education access for the teachers in service. |