題 名 | 圖書館自動化與讀者焦慮類型=Reader's Anxiety Toward Library Information Technology |
作 者 | 林麗娟; 鄭靜欣; | 書刊名 | 圖書與資訊學刊 |
卷 期 | 25 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁16-23 |
分類號 | 023 |
關鍵詞 | 圖書館自動化; 讀者焦慮; 特質焦慮; 情境焦慮; 社會焦慮; 電腦恐懼; 亞克斯-多德森法則; Library automation; Reader's anxiety; Trait anxiety; State anxiety; Social anxiety; Computer-phobia; Yakes-Dodson law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文首先列舉焦慮的相關定義,其次簡介國內外文獻有關焦慮之理論與實證研究 ,再者歸納電腦焦慮研究在圖書館應用,並進一步闡釋減輕焦慮的方法。文中試圖從不同的 角度、多方面的探討讀者使用圖書館電腦焦慮的各項問題,除希以實證研究的成果為基礎, 尤盼能以減輕焦慮的各種方法來協助讀者克服利用圖書館電腦檢索所產生的焦慮,進而協助 讀者有效的利用圖書館電腦。未來如能應用在讀者利用教育方面,或可因應情境因素,給予 焦慮行為者適當的協助,使讀者能在圖書館尋求資訊的過程中有效的學習。 。 |
英文摘要 | This paper explores how anxiety has been defined and researched among library users. In the article, how computer anxiety occurs among readers are reviewed from related theories and research. To provide readers with effective infomation-searching environment and to solve the problems caused by users' resistance to computer technology, a systematical exploration on the factors involved in library anxiety is needed. It is hoped that through the review, readers' anxiety toward information technology can be carefully examined. Solutions to various anxiety become more effective. ective. |