題 名 | 壓水式反應器燃料佈局之最佳化研究=The Optimal Design of Loading Pattern for a Pressurized Water Reactor |
作 者 | 林強; 楊景淵; 林寬釗; | 書刊名 | 台電工程月刊 |
卷 期 | 597 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁9-19 |
分類號 | 449.2 |
關鍵詞 | 燃料佈局; 最佳化設計; 塔布搜尋; 壓水式反應器; Fuel loading pattern; Optimal design; Tabu search; Pressurized water reactor; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究係應用塔布搜尋法設計符合低中子洩漏率之壓水式反應器爐心燃料佈局, 由於塔布搜尋法在疊代運算時可暫時選取較前為劣之目標值,故塔布搜尋法能夠跨越局部最 佳解之限制,以致具有求得全域最佳解的機會。 應用此法於燃料佈局設計時,重點為設計燃料束選取原則,其目標為減少搜尋的次數,以增 進效率,但須顧及是否喪失全域最佳解。在選取原則中視燃料佈局的情況而有不同的規劃, 其中包括調換燃料束及旋轉料束以降低燃料束功率峰值。發展出的程式經驗證結果,能得到 合於設計規範之燃料伂局,並有足夠的週期,且計算時間不算長,故證明此法具實用性。 |
英文摘要 | A computer program based on simple tabu search has been developed to search for the loading pattern pressurized water reactor. Tabu search is a heuristic procedure for solving optimization problem. To save computer time, a design target was defined, which is the value of the nuclear enthalpy rise hot channel factor F at each fuel assembly position for zero xenon concentration and zero exposure condition. When F s of a trial loading pattern satisfy the design target, this loading pattern may meet the design limit at each exposure check point for all rods out and D-bank half-inserted conditions, which is design requirement. The objective function was defined to search for a loading pattern whose F was smaller than the design target, i.e., a feasible loading pattern. An initial loading pattern is properly generated by using the heuristic rules. Then the loading pattern is rearranged by exchanging fuel assemblies or rotating fuel assembly, which is carried out by employing simple tabu search. The heuristic rules were incorporated into tabu search to generate the candidate moves so that the search was efficient. The program was demonstrated by successfully generating loading patterns for the Maanshan nuclear power plant in Taiwan. |