題 名 | High Resolution Computed Tomography of Temporal Bone Fracture=高解像力電腦斷層在顳骨骨折病例的應用 |
作 者 | 陳行素; 羅兆寶; 姜仁惠; 張政彥; 凌憬峰; 郭萬祐; 邵國寧; 鄧木火; 張遵; | 書刊名 | 中華醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 61:3 民87.03 |
頁 次 | 頁127-133 |
分類號 | 416.14 |
關鍵詞 | 電腦斷層; 骨折; 顳骨; Computed tomography; CT; Fracture; Temporal bone; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 背景:在車禍頻傳的今日,顳骨骨折並不少見。高解像力電腦斷層在顳骨解剖及病變上的應用已經相當普遍,我們迴溯性評估它在顳骨骨折上的角色及應用,以很詳盡的顯示顳骨骨折本身及其併發症。 方法:過去兩年間,我們共蒐集二十六例(284側)顳骨骨折病例,對其常規腦部電腦斷層、顳骨高解像力電腦斷層及臨床資料加以分析、整理、並與其他文獻比較。 結果:病例多數(86%)為縱向骨折,橫向及混合性骨折各佔兩例。常規腦部電腦斷層最常見的表徵是乳突氣室閉塞(mastoid obliteration)。軸切面高解像力電腦斷層,是診斷顳骨骨折最有用的掃瞄面。其它顳骨骨折併發症,如聽小骨骨折或脫位、顏面神經傷害或耳鼻漏等,也可以很容易的在高解像力電腦斷層上看出來。 結論:為減低或預防顳骨骨折之後遺症,受傷後儘早接受正確的放射線學評估是非常必要的。顳骨高解像力電腦斷層對骨骼以及軟組織解剖都有很好的解像力,是目前診斷顳骨骨折的第一線及最佳的影像學工具。 |
英文摘要 | BACKGROUND: High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is highly efficient in demonstrating the anatomy of the temporal bone. This study evaluates its application to temporal bone fractures (TBF). METHODS: We collected data from 26 cases of TBF in the past two years. All cases underwent HRCT examination. The clinical information was reviewed and correlated with the imaging findings. RESULTS: Eighty-six percent of the cases had longitudinal fractures. Axial scans were the most useful in identifying the fracture line. Mastoid opacification on routine head computed tomography (CT) was also useful in indicating possible TBFs. Complications of TBF, such as ossicular chain disruption, facial nerve damage or otorhino-liquorrhea, were identified clearly using HRCT. CONCLUSIONS: To minimize or prevent the sequelae of TBF, accurate radiologic evaluation is necessary as soon as possible after injury. HRCT of the temporal bone delineates the bony and soft tissue anatomy with high accuracy and we recommend it as the diagnostic modality of choice. |