題 名 | 臺北市國小六年級學童口腔衛生教育介入對知識態度行為與牙菌斑控制之影響=Effects of Oral Health Educational Intervention on KAP and Plaque Control in Sixth-Grade Students in Taipei |
作 者 | 姚振華; 黃維勳; 康淑惠; | 書刊名 | 中華牙醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 17:1 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁36-47 |
分類號 | 412.03 |
關鍵詞 | 口腔健康教育介入; 牙菌斑控制; Oral health educational intervention; KAP; Plaque control; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了解口腔衛生教育介入對國小學童口腔衛生知識態度及行為之影響,並探討其 對牙菌斑控制之效果,本研究以台北市國民小學六年級學童為母群體,以立意取樣方式每區 選出兩所國小, 每校隨機選出六班, 共計 144 班 3,494 人, 男女生分別為 1,721 及 1,773 人;其中三班為實驗組、另三班為控制組。兩組分別由牙醫師及導師進行牙菌斑指數 ( O'Leary )查檢及問卷調查,實驗組則由口腔保健員(技士)擔任教師, 以口腔衛生投 影片教材施教,而牙醫師則每週到校督導潔牙。 經前測收集相關資料後, 藉 SPSS 系統以 t-test、Chi-Square test 及 ANOVA 分析資料。 由結果顯示:牙菌斑指數在男女兩性之間 有統計學上的意義。同樣地,牙菌斑指數在父親教育程度、母親教育程度、父親職業、母親 職業、及家庭社經地位上,亦顯現統計學上之差異; 就 KAP 而言,實驗組前後測在口腔衛 生知識、態度及行為呈統計學上之差異。因此,今後除對各學校畢業班學生給予口腔衛生知 識與潔牙訓練外,以牙醫師主導,口腔保健員協助推廣之模式,將為各社區口腔衛生推展之 參考。 |
英文摘要 | In order to investigate the influence of oral health education on the primary school students in terms of their behavior and attitude to oral hygiene as well as the efficiency of dental plaque control measures, we selected sixth-grade elementary school students in Taipei as the population for this study. In each district of Taipei city, we randomly selected two schools in which six classes were further randomly selected. Altogether there were 144 classes (3,494 students) which included 1,721 boys and 1,773 girls. Furthermore, all the selected classes were divided into two groups, the study and control groups, which contained 1,768 and 1,726 students respectively. The dental plaque index (O'Leary) examination was done by dentists and a questionnaire was filled out with help of class mentors. In the study group, the mentor of each class was replaced by an oral hygienist who educated the class by using specially designed oral hygiene teaching materials. During the experiment, dentists went to the school every week to supervise oral hygiene training for study group only. After one to two months, before the oral health program intervention, data were collected and analyzed by SPSS software including a t-test, and Chi-square test as well as ANOVA analysis. Analyzing the results, we found significant differences between boys and girls in the plaque index. In addition, the education and the revealed significant differences in the plaque index. In terms of KAP (knowledge, Attitude and Practice), there was a significant difference in both the knowledge and the behavior toward oral hygiene before and after the oral health program interivention the study group. Therefore, in this study we demonstrated that well-designed teaching materials for oral hygiene education as well as well-organized instruction by an oral hygienist could be implemented to achiene oral hygiene promotion. In the future, we should instruct and train graduating students in elementary school in terms of the knowledge and the techniques of oral hygiene. In addition, we also demonstrated that the model dominated by dentists and assisted by oral hygienists can play an important role in promoting the oral hygiene in the community. |