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題 名 | 青少年前期的同儕關係:與親子關係的延續、競爭、或彌補?=Peer Relations in Early Adolescence: Continue, Compensate, or Compete with Parent-Child Relations﹖ |
作 者 | 羅國英; | 書刊名 | 東吳社會工作學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁35-78 |
分類號 | 544.18 |
關鍵詞 | 親子關係; 同儕關係; 青少年; 關係知覺; Parent-child relations; Peer relations; Adolescent; Perceived; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 同儕關係可能是親子關係的延續,分享共同的親密關係模式;它們也可能與 親子關係競爭親密空間,或是彌補親子關係的不足。前者將使得親子關係與同儕 關係並行一致,後者則將使兩種關係互為消長。為了對「競爭」和「彌補」稍加 區分,一種關係中的正面向度如果會對另一種關係有負面效果,研究者將之稱為 競爭;一種關係中的負面向度如果會對另一種關係有正面效果,則稱之為被彌補 ;至於正面向度有正面效果,或是負面向度有負面效果,則稱為延續。對於處於 青春期初期的青少年而言,這幾種不同的力量何者較為明顯?競爭或被彌補現象 在什麼情況下比較容易出現?哪些關係指標比較容易有延續、競爭或被彌補的現 象?本研究採用了十種量化關係指標,分別測量青少年與父親、母親及一位親近 同儕的關係,用相關及迴歸分析來探討這些問題。結果發現親子關係與同儕關係 的相互預測模式並不對稱:親子關係預測同儕關係時,比用同儕關係預測親子關 係,有較複雜的競爭或被彌補的現象,其中對父母的「負面情感」被同儕的各種 正向關係彌補是最明顯常見的現象,而親子間的多項正面關係指標均對同儕關係 有明顯的競爭作用;同儕關係預測親子關係時,極少有被彌補的情況,也只有一 項指標對母親關係有較明顯的競爭關係。親子、同儕間的關係型態或類型也會影 響親子與同儕關係間的預測模式,性別也是重要的干擾變數:男生的親子關係對 同儕關係的競爭現象比女生明顯;女生的同儕關係則似乎扮演較多彌補的角色。研究者依據這些實徵結果推論,對於還在青春期前期的青少年而言,親子關係仍 然是人際關係的核心,同儕雖然扮演彌補負面親子關係的重要角色,但親子關係 對同儕關係的競爭力似乎大於同儕關係對親子關係的競爭力,同儕關係對親子關 係雖然也有部份競爭效應,但主要形式仍是「延續」與親子關係相似的人際關係 型態。不過,不同關係指標的延續或彌補現象也有差異,有些是比較單純的繼承 或延續,有些則有比較明顯的競爭或互補。 |
英文摘要 | Peer relations have been shown important for adolescents' social development in the literature. They are sometimes the causes of parent-child conflicts as well. The present study was aimed to answer the question: How and how well can adolescents' parent-child relations predict their peer relations? , and vise versa. Using a perceived relationship in intimate relations scale, the author conducted a survey to collect adolescents' perception about their relationship with parents (both father and mother) as well as their relationship with an intimate friend. The scale included ten indices for measuring interpersonal relations, which was developed by the author to assess subjective perception of intimate relations in general parent-child relations in specific. Multiple regression models and categorical cross tables were then applied to display the predictive relationship among these relations, The results suggested the continuity model be a major form for predicting peer relations from parent child relations. Nevertheless, compensating and competing effects were evident as well. Different indices of relations showed different characteristics in prediction. Some indices showed more compensating or competing effects than others, whereas some indices showed only continue effects. Furthermore, the prediction models had significant and consistent different patterns for peer relations as predicted variables or for parent-child relations instead. General good or bad conditions of parent-child relations and gender could also moderate the predictive model. The implications of these findings were interpreted in terms of human needs of intimacy and role expectations in Chinese culture. |