題 名 | 桃竹地區幼稚園園長領導措施與教師工作滿意度之相關研究=The Relationship between Teacher Job Satisfaction and Their Perceptions of Leadership Practices in Taiwanese Kindergarten Settings |
作 者 | 許玉齡; | 書刊名 | 新竹師院學報 |
卷 期 | 11 1998.02[民87.02] |
頁 次 | 頁281-300 |
分類號 | 523.26 |
關鍵詞 | 行政領導; 幼兒教育; 教師工作滿意度; 幼稚園行政; Leadership; Early childhood education; Teacher job satisfaction; Educational administration; Management of early childhood programs; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要的目的乃在探討幼稚園領導人的行政領導措施與教師工作滿意度之間的關係、幼稚園的行政現況與教師的理想狀況是否有顯著的差距、同時並瞭解教師個人背景變項如年齡、婚姻、學歷、薪資、幼教服務年資,以及組織變項如幼稚園的規模、公私立別、使用的課程、幼稚園園長年紀和性別等變相是否對幼稚園領導人的行政措施及教師工作滿意度具有關鍵性的影響。 本研究係以郵寄問卷的調查方式進行資料蒐集。研究對象為八十五年度台灣省桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市等三縣市立案幼稚園的服務教師。實際郵寄對象為這三各縣市抽樣的三百三十九位幼稚園教師。問卷採用幼兒教師工作滿意調查問卷(ECJSS)及行政措施調查問卷(LPS)兩份。所蒐集的資料主要採用以下幾種統計方式分析:一、描述性統計(descriptive statistics)如次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、及高低距;二、多元回歸分析;三、二元重複量數變藝數分析(doubly repeated measures ANOVA)以及T考驗。 研究結果顯示教師個人的不同背景並不影響教師對園長領導措施的看法或工作滿意度。但是,教師會因為任教的幼稚園有不同的結構而顯著影響教師對園長領導措施的看法和工作滿意度。另外,幼稚園教師對園長領導措施的看法與教師工作滿意度有顯著的關連性。在此,教師工作滿意度是指對工作的五個組成面,包括與同事的關係、與上司的關係、工作本質、工作環境、及薪資福利和進修機會。另外,在幼稚園教師的心目中,目前的園長領導方式與他們理想中的領導方式有很大的差距,而且教師對於現在的工作有許多部分是居於低滿意度。 根據本研究結果,建議桃竹地區的幼教管理單位儘速擬定幼稚園領導人,包括園長、老闆、校長和主任的在職進修計劃,以提高教師的滿意度,進而減低教師的流失率。另外,建議師資培育單位多增加幼稚園教師接觸領導理論與實務的課程,期使有經驗的優秀教師也能逐步成為幼稚園裡的領導人才。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study were to examine the relationship between perceived leadership practices and job satisfaction of early childhood teachers, and investigate the differences between teachers' perceptions of current school leaders' behaviors and ideal school leaders' behaviors in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, and Hsinchu City. A survey method was used to collect data on two research instruments: the Early Childhood Job Satisfaction Survey (ECJSS) and the Leadership Practice Survey (LPS). Analyses included the computation of descriptive statistics, multiple regression, doubly repeated measures analysis of variance, and paired t tests. The study sample consisted of 339 kindergarten teachers selected from Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, and Hsinchu City. The study found that the demographic variables did not make a significant contribution to the prediction of either current leadership practices or teacher job satisfaction. The school variables make a significant contribution to the prediction of both current leadership practices and teacher job satisfaction. The curriculum identified as Developmentally Appropriate Practice made significant contributions to the prediction of both current leadership practices and teacher job satisfaction when other variables were controlled. Other findings include teachers' preceptions of school leadership practices were highly associated with teachers' job satisfaction and teachers' perceptions of current leadership practices were both satistically and practically different from their ideal leadership practices. Demographic analyses showed male leaders composed an overwhelming percentage of administrators when compared wit the all-female teachers; over 40% of the teachers did not receive formal teacher education training and about 30% of the teachers worked 3 years or less in early childhood education. |