題 名 | 理情團體諮商對國小教師理性信念及情緒穩定之諮商效果研究=The Effects of Rational-Emotive Group Counseling on the Elememtary School Teachers' Rational Beliefs and Emotional Stability |
作 者 | 袁美雲; | 書刊名 | 國民教育研究 |
卷 期 | 2 1998.01[民87.01] |
頁 次 | 頁91-133 |
分類號 | 178.4、178.4 |
關鍵詞 | 理情團體諮商; 理性信念; 情緒穩定; 國小教師; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在探討理情團體諮商對國小教師理性信念及情緒穩定之諮商效果研 究。本研究是以高雄市一所國小全體老師經「理性信念量表」前測後,選取其總分居全體平 均數以下,為高非理性信念,且有意願全程參與團體者二十名為對象,採等組前後測實驗設 計,分成實驗組與控制組。 其中實驗組共接受十二次,每次平均約九 + 分鐘的理情團體諮 商活動,控制組則不接受任何實驗處理。本研究以「理性信念量表」、「情緒穩定性量表」 進行前、後測及追蹤測量,所得資料以單因子共變數分析法進行統計分析。除此之外研究者 於實驗完成後,對成員的個別情形進行事後訪談工作,將此訪談所得資料相互佐證統計分析 結果。研究結果顯示:一、理情體體諮商對國小教師的理性信念方面:在國小教師理性信念 之「讚許」、「自我預期」、「完美」、「依賴」、「改變性」上,具有立即及追蹤諮商效 果。在國小教師理性信念總分及「責備」上,具有立即諮商效果,追蹤諮商效果則不顯著。 在理性信念之「憂慮」上,立即諮商效果及追蹤諮商效果皆未達顯著。二、理情團體諮商對 國小教師的情緒穩定性方面:在國小教師的情緒穩定性總分及分量表之「罪惡感」上,具立 即及追蹤諮商效果。在情緒穩定性之「焦慮」上,具有立即諮商效果,但追蹤諮商效果則不 顯著。在情緒穩定性之「低自尊」上,未具立即諮商效果,但追蹤諮商效果達顯著。在情緒 穩定性之「缺乏幸福感」、「缺乏自主性」及「慮病性」上,立即及追蹤諮商效果皆未達顯 著。三、訪談結果方面:在理性信念及情緒穩定上,成員大多表示具正面諮商效果,特別是 在非理性信念上明顯降低許多,而情緒穩定性則較緩慢,需多些時間評估,才能見其效果。 根據本研究結果,研究者提出對國小教師輔導實務上、未來研究上的一些建議:一、輔導實 務上:(一 ) 可對國小教師實施理情團體諮商。(二 ) 可多增加小團體進修方式,以便更實 質幫助教師。 (三 ) 可增加理情團體諮商活動的次數,分初階、進階團體逐步實施。(四 ) 對某些嚴重成員宜配合尋求個別諮商方式一併實施。(五 ) 可延長追蹤的時間及增加追蹤的 次數。 二、未來研究上:(一 ) 探討理情團體諮商對其他不同問題及對象的諮商效果。(二 ) 對控制組部份可予以不同實驗處理,以避免外來因素干擾實驗效果。(三 ) 研究的輔導方 案可再增加情緒穩定部分的主題,便情緒穩定達長期諮商效果。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the Rational- Emotive Group Counseling (REGC) on the rational beliefs and emotional stability in the teachers for one elementary school teachers The subjects of this study consisted of a selection of twenty elelementary teachers in one elementary school. The pretest-posttest equivalent-srouD design was adopted in the study The subjects were divided into two groups by random assignment. The experiment group received the REGC twelve times in two months (average ninety minutes per session). and the control group received no treatment. The study used "Rational Beliefs Inventory" and "Emotional Stability Inventory. to conduct Dretest, posttest. and follow-up measures The data was analyzed by using the analysis of covariance Results were summarized as follows: 1.The REGC had significant, immediate effects on the elementary teachers. rational beliefs rated by themselves, but there were no significant, follow-up effects on it. 2.The REGC had significant, immediate effects on the elementary teachers' "Approval Need", "Self-Expectation", "Perfection", "Dependency and "Importance of Change" of rational beliefs, and there were significant, follow-up effects on them. 3.The REGC had significant, immediate effects on the elementary teachers. "Blame" of rational beliefs, but there were no significant, follow-up effects on it. 4.The REGC had no significant. immediate effects on the elementary teachers' "Anxiety" of rational beliefs, and there were no significant, follow-up effects on it. 5.The REGC had significant. immediate effects on the elementary teachers' emotional stability rated by themselves. and there were significant, follow-up effects on it. 6.The REGC had significant, immediate effects on the elementary teachers' "Guilt" of emotional stability rated by themselves, and there were significant, follow- up effects on it. 7.The REGC had significant, immediate effects on the elementary teachers' "Anxiety" of emotional stability rated by themselves, but there were no significant, follow-up effects on it. 8.The REGC had no significant, immediate effects on the elementary teachers' "Low Self Esteem "of emotional stability rated by themselves, and there were no significant. follow-up effects on it. 9.The REGC had no significant, immediate effects on the elementary teachers' "Lack of Happiness", "Lack of Autonomy" and "Hypochondria's" of emotional stability rated by themselves, and there were no significant, follow-up effects on them. Last, several suggestions for further researcher concerning the rational beliefs and emotional stability in elementary school teachers were proposed in this study. |