題 名 | 混練條件對於濕模砂性質影響及預測之研究=The Effects of Mulling Condition on the Properties of Green Sand and Their Predictions |
作 者 | 徐享文; 楊榮顯; | 書刊名 | 鑄工 |
卷 期 | 24:1=96 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁9-22 |
分類號 | 472.22 |
關鍵詞 | 濕砂模; 累積混練; 時效時間; 標準試片性質; 多元迴歸分析; Green sand mold; Accumulated mulling; Aging time; Property of standard test specimen; Multiple regression analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 濕砂模造型法為國內外鑄造業最普遍使用方法之一,由於擁有造型容易、成本低、 砂可再回收使用及適合自動化大量生產等優點,並且在消失模型鑄造法、脫臘鑄造法等較新 穎之造型法的衝擊之下,不僅未被淘汰,反而隨著科技之進步、造模設備的日新月異,更廣 泛地應用於機械、建築、汽車零件等領域上之製作。 本研究是將矽砂、膨土、水、添加劑的組成配比固定及擠壓條件(擠壓力為981Kpa,擠 壓時間15秒,單方向擠壓)相同之下,採取不同混練條件(累積混練、無累積混練)及時效時 間來探討濕模砂標準試片性質(濕態壓縮強度、透氣度、壓縮比、模面安定性、剪強度)之變 化情形。同時也更進一步的利用掃描式電子顯微鏡來觀察濕模砂中矽砂與膨土的結合情形。 本文同時擷取實驗數據及資料,利用多元迴歸分析法,建立濕模砂性質調整定量化之模 式,以作為獲得擁有優良濕模砂性質之製程參數及建立管理目標值時之依據,並可確保濕模 砂性質之穩定性。 |
英文摘要 | Green sand molding process is one of the most common molding processes used in the foundry industry here and abroad, Due to its ease in molding, low cost, recyclable feature, and feasibility in automated mass production, green sand molding process did not become outdated under the competition from numerous new molding methods (e.g. Evaporative Pattern Casting process, Lost Wax Casting process). On the contrary, it has been even more widely applied in the fields of mechanics, construction and automobile parts due to rapid development in new molding equipments and technique advancement. In this study, a specific ratio of silica sand, bentonite, additives and water remained constant. The squeeze conditions (squeeze pressure at 981KPa, squeeze time at 15sec, single directional squeeze ) were also the same during the experiments. The objective of this paper is to find out the effects of different mulling conditions (accumulated mulling, non-accumulated mulling) and aging times on the properties (green compressive strength, permeability, compression ratio, surface stability index. shear strength) of standard test specimen of green sand, and use the scanning electron microscope to observe the bonding condition of silica sand and bentonite in molding sand. In this paper. the experimental data and results from the forward study were used. Then multiple regression analysis was used to estabished the models of properties adjustment of green sand, which can further obtain the ideal processing parameters of green sand with good properties, and to establish the basis of management goal values. Futher more, to ensure the stability of green sand properties. |