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題 名 | Effect of Vitamine, Topical Hypothermia and Steroid on Ischemic Liver in Rats=肝臟缺血時脂質過氧化反應及維生素E低溫或類固醇對其之影響 |
作 者 | 李金德; 蔡麗玉; 沈柏青; | 書刊名 | The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences |
卷 期 | 14:1 1998.01[民87.01] |
頁 次 | 頁6-12 |
分類號 | 416.246 |
關鍵詞 | 肝臟缺血; 脂質過氧化反應; 維生素E低溫; 類固醇; Lipid peroxidation; Ischemic liver; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 重大的肝臟手術往往需要阻斷肝臟血流以期待減少手術中出血,但肝臟血流的阻斷會引起肝臟組織的缺血,進而可能引起術後肝細胞的損傷。我們將進行一個肝臟缺血研究,以測量肝組織中的脂質過氧化作用(lipid peroxidation ) 來評估維生素E ,局部肝臟冷卻與類固醇的投與對脂質過氧化作用的抑制能力,評估其對缺血中肝臟的保護能力。我們以120 隻雄性大白鼠進行試驗,每隻大白鼠都進行剖腹手術,並且把肝臟血流阻斷,以進行缺血試驗。大白鼠被分成四組,每組30 隻,在A組中肝血流阻斷外,沒有給予任何處理;B組動物則在術前一星期給予口服大量的維生素E ( 30IU /Kg/B . W ); C組動物則在實驗以冰水冷卻肝臟周圍;D 動物則在血流阻斷前給予口服大量的類固醇(2mg / Kg / B . W )。肝臟的脂質過氧化物(lipid peroxide)以MDA nmol / g / wet wt 來表示,並且以Spectrofluorometric法來測量o 結果顯示A組中的肝臟脂質過氧化物在血流阻斷後呈現有意義地明顯增加(8.76±3.19 vs . 10.49±3.35 MDA nmol / g / wet wt , P < 0.05 , paired t-test );而B,C及D組則沒有脂質過氧化物增加的現象,這種現象表示著維生素E的投與,肝臟冷卻及類固醇的投與,對缺血中的肝臟都有保護作用,它們都能抑制脂質過氧化作用的進行。 |
英文摘要 | Major hepatic surgery often requires temporary occlusion of the porta hepatis in order to minimize lntraoperatlve bleeding. Occlusion of porta hepatis Induces hepatic ischemia and may cause liver damage. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of vitamin E, topical hypothermia and administration of steroids on ischemic liver by assessing the hepatic levels of lipid peroxides and examining the ultrastructural change of mitochondria. One hundred and twenty male wistar rats were divided into four groups, each of 30. All rats underwent laparotomy and the liver ischemia experiment was conducted by clamping the porta hepatis for 15 minutes. Group A received no further treatment, group B received vitamin E (30IU/Kg/B.W) supplementation for one week before experiment, group C was topically cooled and group D received preocclusion Intravenous methyiprednisolone (2mg/Kg/B.W). Hepatic lipid peroxides, expressed as nmol MDA/g wet wt were assessed by spectrofluorometric methods, and were measured immediately before occlusion, 15 mm after occlusion, and 15 mm after reperfuslon. The results showed that the concentration of lipid peroxides increased markedly after occlusion of porta hepatis In group A, which received no treatment in lschemlc liver (8.76 ± 3.19 vs.10.49 ± 3.35 MDA nmol /g wet wt, p< 0.05, paired t-test), while the concentrations of hepatic lipid peroxides were not found to Increase In groups B,C or D. In the meantime, the ultrastructural study showed marked swelling of mitochondria in Ischemlc liver of group A rats only. This suggests that vitamin E supplementation, topical hypothermia and administration of steroids will inhibit the propagation of lipid peroxidatlon and provide protective effects on liver parenchyma during ischemla. |