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- 契約解除與損害賠償--我國民法與德國民法相關規定之研究
- 給付遲延時解除契約與損害賠償請求權關係之立法例以及我國民法第二百六十條等相關規定之探討
題 名 | 從民法到公平交易法--以損害賠償為中心=From Civil Law to Fair Trade Law--Focus on Damage Compensation |
作 者 | 曾品傑; | 書刊名 | 公平交易季刊 |
卷 期 | 6:1 1998.01[民87.01] |
頁 次 | 頁91-123 |
分類號 | 585.8 |
關鍵詞 | 民法; 公平交易法; 損害賠償; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this article is to analyze the provisions concerning compensatory damages in Chapter Ⅴ of Fair Trade Law. Following an introduction, Part Ⅱ inquires into the social background of Fair Trade Law; for instance, Monopolization, cartel, and boycotts are so popular in the market that Civil Law cannot effectively regulate the situation of restrictive trade. Part Ⅲ investigates the sources of legislative mode in Fair Trade Law. Part Ⅳ discusses the modification of general principles from Civil Law to Fair Trade Law, it contains from the principles of Honesty and good Faith to allocative efficiency, from individual right to institutional safeguard, from Absolute Ownership and Freedom of Contract to their limitation, from fault liability to liability without fault, from the compensation to deterrence. Part Ⅴ researches the interpretation and application to Chapter Ⅴ of Fair Trade Law, such as its protection object, obligor, claimant, causation, amount in controversy. Part Ⅵ examines into the fundamental legal issues between Fair Trade Law and Civil Law. One attempts to investigate the effect of a juristic act at breaching an imperative or prohibitive provision in Fair Trade Law. The other intends to criticize the right De lege lata to claim the punitive damage and solatium simultaneously in a view of legislative policy. Part Ⅶ concludes by offering a new perspective concerning the future of Tort Law in Taiwan. |