- 褪黑激素--藥物或健康食品
- 探討臺灣市售中草藥健康食品亂象
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- 常用中草藥和健康食品與西藥之交互作用
- Flutamide-Induced Liver Injury: A Case Report
- Outcome of Graves' Disease after Antithyroid Drug Treatment in Taiwan
- 簡介呃逆的藥物治療
- Intrathecal Opioids Provide Satisfactory Conditions in Labor Analgesia and Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Section
- 臺灣地區藥物濫用社會成本推估初報
- In Vitro Effects of Various Neuropharmacological Agents on the Motility of Adult Clonorchis Sinensis