題 名 | 評析我國國立大學校院圖書館自動化系統線上公用目錄功能與介面特性=An Evaluation of Functional Capabilities and Interface Features of OPACs in National College and University Libraries in Taiwan, R.O.C. |
作 者 | 李德竹; | 書刊名 | 國家科學委員會研究彙刊. 人文及社會科學 |
卷 期 | 7:3 1997.07[民86.07] |
頁 次 | 頁334-351 |
分類號 | 023.45 |
關鍵詞 | 線上公用目錄; 介面特性; 圖書館自動化系統; 公用目錄查檢表; 線上目錄檢索功能; Online public access catalog; OPAC; Library automation system; System interfaces; Search functions; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國臺灣地區圖書館自動化已歷經二十年的緩慢發展,而國立大學校院圖書館自 動化的發展歷程,在1990年之前則為各自發展的實驗性階段,早期系統多採用自行開發設計 形式,其功能皆為單一性。自1991年6月後受到《整體規劃全國圖書資訊網路系統》研究報 告的影響,和教育部大力支持國立大學校院圖書館自動化計畫,使得國立大學校院圖書館紛紛 採購系統主機,並從整體規劃的觀點發展圖書館自動化系統。因此,國立大學校院圖書館進行 自動化比例,在各類型圖書館中獨佔鰲頭。 本計畫主要研究我國國立大學校院圖書館自動化系統之線上公用目錄之檢索功能與介面 特性,並以34所國立大學校院圖書館、170位讀者及12家圖書館自動化廠商為問卷調查對象, 同時彙整館員座談會建議及實地使用經驗,期達成下列研究目的: 1.調查、評估我國34所國立大學校院圖書館自動化系統之線上公用目錄所提供的各項檢 索功能與介面特性。 2.探討170位讀者(非館員)使用線上公用目錄之意見、評估及期望。 3.探討圖書館自動化廠商對其線上公用目錄系統的設計及未來發展。 4.分析目前自動化系統線上公用目錄的主要問題。 5.建議線上公用目錄系統的基本需求項目及介面標準。 6.研擬適合我國圖書館自動化之線上公用目錄查檢表。 |
英文摘要 | In the past 20 years, the path of developing automated library system in Taiwan, R.O.C. was very slow. Before 1990, most of colleges and universities in Taiwan developed their library systems by themselves. However, after June 1991, with tremendious impact of "The Nation-wide Planning of Integrated Automated Library Information Network System Research Report", and the financial and technical support of the Ministry of Education, majority of the national colleges and universities have purchased and completed setting up their integrated library automation systems. Therefore, in comparison with other types of libraries, most of college and university libraries have developed their automated systems. The purpose of this research project is to study and evaluate the functional capabilities and interface features of OPACs in national colleage and university libraries in Taiwan, R.O.C. Questionaires were sent to 34 college and university libraries, 170 library users and 12 library system vendors. According to the results of this study, the following suggestions were proposed: 1. to establish the linking interfaces (such as Z39.50, etc) for resource sharing purpose between different systems, 2. to finish the retrospective conversion of library records as soon so possible, 3. to develope the Chinese Subject Headings for all libraries, 4. to consider closing the card catalogs, 5. to redesign the access points for OPACs, 6. to provide access abilities to network resources, 7. to develope close relationship between libraries and vendors in order to discuss the new features and enchancements of OPAC, and finally, 8. to formulate a checklist of functional capabilities and interface features of an ideal OPAC system for ROC libraries. |