- 不同啟動子對抗凍蛋白基因在青花菜與甘藍中表現的影響
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- 抗凍蛋白基因轉移到青花菜、花椰菜及小白菜之影響
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- 葉綠體導引訊息應用在農桿菌法共同基因轉移到甘藍之研究
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- 有前途的加工外銷蔬菜:綠蘆筍、抱子甘藍、青花菜
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題 名 | 不同啟動子對抗凍蛋白基因在青花菜與甘藍中表現的影響=Effects of Promoters on the Expression of Antifreeze Protein Genes in the Transformed Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea L. var. Italica Plenk.) and Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea L. var. Capitata) |
作 者 | 陳淑惠; 尤進欽; 曾夢蛟; | 書刊名 | 興大園藝 |
卷 期 | 22:2 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁59-72 |
分類號 | 435.23 |
關鍵詞 | 抗凍蛋白基因; 青花菜; 甘藍; 基因轉移; Antifreeze protein; Broccoli; Cabbage; Gene transformation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 環境因子是影響作物生長與分佈最重要的因素, 其中溫度的影響佔著重要的地位 。過低的溫度,常造成幼苗或植株產生霜害或凍害。本試驗將分離自比目魚的抗凍蛋白基因 ( AF )構築到攜帶有不同組合的 CaMV 35S 及 rubisco small subuni ( rbcS )啟動子 的轉殖載體,並利用農桿菌將其轉移到青花菜(綠王)及甘藍(初秋、和風)的子葉或下胚 軸。 再生植株經南方墨點法分析檢驗,可在轉殖植株的 DNA 上偵測到雜交訊號。北方雜交 墨點分析的結果顯示,存在轉殖植株體內的 AF 基因皆可轉錄出 RNA。轉殖較接近構造基因 的啟動子為 rbcS 啟動子之質體( pKrAn, pKrrAn, pKcrAn ), 則轉殖後植株之 AF 基因 之表現量大都較接近構造基因的啟動子為 CaMV 35S 啟動子之質體( pKcAn, pKccAn, pKrcAn )之再生植株高。轉殖 AF 基因之再生植株進行生物檢定,可提高轉殖植物 2-5 ℃ 之抗凍能力。 |
英文摘要 | Environmental factors are the most important matters affecting the growth and distribution of the crops and in which temperature is especial importance. Low temperature affects a wide range of plant species when they are subjected to low temperature stress, and also causes plant loss and reduced yield. The purposes of this research are to study the effects of promoters on antifreezing protein gene (AF) expression and to study the possibility for improvement of cruciferous vegetable with frost resistance, through the art of genetic engineering. The AF gene of winter flounder was constructed with the combinations of CaMV 35S or rubisco small subunit (rbcS) promoters as plant transfer vectors. The constructed plasmids were transferred into hypocotyl and cotyledon of broccoli (Green King), and cabbage (K-Y cross and Tropical Delight) via Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Regenerated plants of Brassica vegetable were obtained after transformation with six kinds of plasmids. The regenerated plants were examined by Southern and Northern bolt hybridization. The results indicated that the expression of constructed genes was higher in transgenic plants driven by one or two of the rbcS promoter than by CaMV 35S promoter. Increasing in freezing tolerance was also founded in AF transformed plants. |