題 名 | 日治時代臺灣近代建築法制之創設與內涵--以臺北市街為市=Creation and Meaning of the Contemporary Building Legislation for Taiwan in Japanese Colonial Age Scope in the Implementation Progress in Taipei City Area |
作 者 | 黃武達; 蔡之豪; 內藤昌; |
書刊名 | 建築學報 |
卷 期 | 23 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁37-65 |
分類號 | 441.51 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣近代建築法制; 法制創設期; Contemporary building legislation for taiwan; Legislation creation stage; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 日治時代所建立之臺灣近代建築法制,其歷史分期以「臺灣都市計畫令」之生效施 行( 1937.4.1 )為分界點,在此之前,本文謂之「法制創設期( 1895 ∼ 1937 年);在 此之後,謂之「法制確二期」( 1937 ∼ 1945 年)。 殖民統治初期之近代都市政策,係以都市公共衛生及道路之改善著手,即所謂「市區改 正」。改正事業實施之初多屬局部性、應急性之工事,繼之乃有對市街整體規劃之「市區計 畫」(都市計畫)。 為配合「市區改正」對於都市環境衛生與安全之改善, 「臺北縣」於 1896 年制定「家屋建築規則」,首創「建築行為許可制」。 其後因「市區計畫」之實施, 乃次第擬訂相關之法規與制度,建築法制即屬其中重要之一環。質言之,建築管理初為改善 都市衛生與防火安全而創設,繼為配合「市區計畫」之實施,管制家屋建築之衛生、防火、 防震,及避難設施等。 1899 年公布之「律令第 30 號」,對於市區計畫指定之「公共事業 預定地」限制其土地使用,或變更地形、地貌,是為確保「市區計畫」之實施而創設之建築 管理,為爾後都市設施預定地之取得,提供強而有力之法律基礎。 1900 年,臺灣總督公布 之「臺灣家屋建築規則」及其「施行細則」,已初具近代建築法制之雛形,且更與「市區計 劃」之告示,緊密配合逐步實施,「家屋規則」與上述之「律令第 30 號」乃構成「創設期 」建築法制之主軸,至 1937 年「臺灣都市計畫令」施行時( 1937.4.1 ),該「家屋規則 」方為廢止,並將其內涵納入新法之內。 「法制創設期」之另一重要建築法制,則為對各種與公共衛生、安全有密切關係,或易 生火災之特定用途建築物,特別訂定管制規定,並採「營業許可」及「建築審查」雙軌制管 理之。此外,依據上述「家屋規則」所規定之「步道」及「亭仔腳」制度,亦隨各地「市區 計畫」之告示而次第指定實施地區。「亭仔腳」制度實為基於本土氣候之特性(酷暑、驟雨 )而創設,更可溯源於清代臺灣店鋪式之街屋形式,時至今日,仍深切影響臺灣之都市空間 與景觀。綜言之,「法制創設期」之建築管理與「市區計畫」法制,乃為確保都市公共衛生 、交通、防火安全,掌控都市景觀、都市空間形式之兩大法系,對於都市之發展過程,深具 歷史意義。而「創設期」之建築法制,於其後之「法制確立期」,仍多納入「臺灣都市計畫 令」法制體系之內,甚至於戰後國府統治下之臺灣,亦仍多承續沿用(本文續編後敘),對 於臺灣今日之都市發展,實有深遠之影響。 |
英文摘要 | The history of the contemporary building regulations for Taiwan in Japanese Pcolonial age in this Paper would be set up into two stages: (1) 'Creation Stage' (1895-1937) and (2) 'Consolidation stage' after the "Taiwan City Planning Order' (1937.4.1). Contemporary urban policy of the early colonial administration was focusing on urban public health and road improvement, i.e. 'City Reform'. Task of early reform stage mainly was local, urgent public works, followed with comprehensiv 'City area Plan'. To implement' City Area Plan', building regulation was among those relevant regulations created. The 'Order no. 30' 1899 prescribed restriction to change of use, form on land reesrved for 'Public Facilities' in the city area plans. It was a historical innovation of 'Building Permit', created the foundation for implementing city area plan. The 'Taiwan Building (Housing) Regulation '1900 and it's 'Execution Code' were geared to implement city erea plan. This Regulation and the Order No.30 constituted as the piers of Building Regulation legislation in the 'Creation Stage' and had been enforcing until 1937 when terminated by 'Taiwan City Planning Order' (1937.4.1) with its essence was concluded into the new order. One another important regulation in the 'Creation Stage' was to set up specific provisions for those buildings of public health, safety, or fire harzard consideration by a double-check of 'Business Permit' and 'Building Examination' Also 'Pedestrian Walkway' and 'Arcade in the Taiwan Building (Housing) Regulation had been implemented on areas designated in the city area plan. 'Arcade, was unique innovation for the extreme climate conditions in this country (heat, rain shower). It was from the tradional form of town house of Ching Dynasty, and even up to the present it had significantly been affecting urban space and landscape. In brief the building administration lagislations of the Creation Stage' was designed to implement city area plan and had its historical significance. In the Consolidation Stage', those legislations had been comcluded into 'Taiwan City Planning Order' also Further inherited by the Chinese Government (to be Presented in the follow-up of theis paper). Those legislations of the creation Stage had profound influence to ghe urban development in Taiwan. |