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題 名 | 公共衛生護理人員對預防接種之知識、態度、執行能力及其影響因素之研究=A Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Public Health Nurses in Immunization and Related Factors |
作 者 | 許瑛真; 于漱; 鄭雪英; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 5:6 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁524-534 |
分類號 | 419.71 |
關鍵詞 | 公共衛生護理人員; 預防接種; 知識; 態度; 執行能力; Public health nurses; Immunization; Knowledge; Attitude; Practice; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的是探討臺灣地區衛生所公共衛生護理人員,對預防接種的知識、態度 、執行能力,以及影響執行能力的因素。本研究以自編之結構式問卷收集資料,有效問卷共 306 份,經統計分析後,研究結果發現公共衛生護士在預防接種知識方面,以預防接種的方 法得分最高,預防接種的禁忌得分最低。對預防接種持正向態度的前三項,依序是「預防接 種能有效的預防疾病」、「有能力執行預防接種工作」及「預防接種工作是被民眾肯定的」 ,而持負向態度的前三項,依序是「擔心預防接種工作中的突發事件」、「預防接種工作是 很辛苦的」及「預防接種工作危險且無法律保障」。整體而言,公共衛生護士預防接種的執 行能力相當好,平均得分 67.9 分(總分 76.0 分)。本研究也發現影響公共衛生護理人員 預防接種執行能力的因素有是否接受預防接種在職訓練、預防接種態度得分、預防接種知識 得分、任職衛生所型態、對公共衛生護理的工作興趣與職位等。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study is to explore the influencing factors of the Taiwanese public health nurses' knowledge, attitude and practice inimmunization. A structured questionnaire used in this study was designed by the investigator. A total of 306 subjects were recruited. After statistical analysis, it was found that public health nurses received the highest scores in the area of knowledge on immunization methods; however the lowest scores were presented in the area of contraindication of immunization. In addition, the public health nurses presented, in order, three positive attitudes toward their work as follows: (1) The understanding that immunization can be effective against disease. (2) Confidence in their ability to carry out immunization work and (3) The work of immunization is approved by the general public. Meanwhile the three Leading factors of nurses' negative attitude toward their work are: (1) The worry of unexpected things happening during the process of immunization; (2) The immunization work is too hard to achieve; and (3) The work of immunization is dangerous and the nurses are not protected under the law. The average score to the ability to practicing the work of immunization is 67.9 (total score = 76). So generally speaking, the study show that public nurses' ability of executing the work of immunization was very good. Also, the findings of this study show that factors affecting public health nurses' performance in immunization include: whether or not they taken training workshops in the area of immunization, the classification of the public health unit, immunization knowledge, whether or not they had interest in their professional work, and professional qualification. |