題 名 | 噴霧降溫系統於開放式雞舍內的蒸發比例之分析=Evaporative Fraction Analysis of Fog-Cooling System in an Open-type Broiler House |
作 者 | 林正亮; 朱健松; 黃裕益; | 書刊名 | 嘉義技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 55 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁11-26 |
分類號 | 437.12 |
關鍵詞 | 噴霧降溫系統; 蒸發比例; 肉雞舍; Fog-cooling system; Evaporative fraction; Broiler house; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 一旋轉式噴霧降溫系統應用於相鄰的兩棟開放式雞舍之一,分別量測雞舍內乾球 溫度、相對濕度、和風速等環境因子之資料,並分析噴霧系統在開放式雞舍內的蒸發比例。 根據水分平衡,以雞舍內外絕對濕度和通風量,計算雞舍內包含雞隻和細霧的水份蒸散量, 並配合噴霧系統的噴水量,分析噴霧系統的細霧蒸發比例約為0.74。另外,利用雷射粒徑分 析儀所量測細霧分佈的結果,配合雞舍環境分析的細霧蒸發比例為0.63,這在開放式雞舍 中,通風條件並不穩定情況下此值應屬合理。雞舍內因噴霧造成乾球溫度降低約0.8℃,亦 能以熱量平衡配合蒸發比例的分析結果而得到驗證。而由噴霧所造成墊料含水率上升的結果 顯示,減小細霧粒徑應為增加噴霧系統降溫效果的適當方式。 |
英文摘要 | A rotary fog-cooling system was installed in one of the two broiler houses next to each other to investigate evaporative fraction of the fog-cooling system in open-type broiler houses based on measurements of environmental factors, such as dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity Based on moisture balance, evaporative fraction (β) to be about 0.74 was analyzed by water flow rate of the fog-cooling system and moisture generation in the broiler house. Generation of moisture, including broiler and fog- cooling system, was calculated by absolute humidity inside the broiler house and ambient as well as air flow capacity. β to be 0.63 was determined on the basis of particle size distribution results, which were measured by a laser particle sizing analyzer, associated with environment conditions in the broiler house. Decrease of dry bulb temperature about 0.8℃ could be verified by energy balance in association with the results of evaporative fraction analysis. Based on results that misting could result in increase of moisture content of floor additives, decrease of particle size is a proper approach to enhance effect of temperature reduction. |