題 名 | 水芋葉面積指數動態的季節性變異=Seasonal Variation in Leaf Area Index Dynamics for Wetland Taro[Colocasia esculenta(L.)Schott] |
作 者 | 陳烈夫; 呂椿棠; 呂秀英; | 書刊名 | 中華農業研究 |
卷 期 | 46:3 1997.09[民86.09] |
頁 次 | 頁262-277 |
分類號 | 434.337 |
關鍵詞 | 芋; 葉面積指數; 動態; 溫度時間; 溫度總和; 球莖產量; Taro(Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott); Leaf area index; Dynamics; Thermal time; Temperature sum; Corm yield; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究利用從水芋移植後起所累計的每日大於0℃之平均氣溫總和作為溫度時間, 以解析本省水芋於不同種植期下葉面積指數(LAI)在整個生長期的動態變化及季節變異性, 發現LAI為溫度總和的二次指數函數,藉此關係式可預估出所有種植期下水芋LAI達到最 大值所需的溫度時間均至少在4000℃以上。不同種植期之LAI增加速率及最大值會因氣候 差異影響而表現不一,其中以氣溫為最主要影響因子,其次是日射量。雖然本省水芋可全年 種植,但以1月種植期的LAI增加速率最快且在年度間變異最小.倘提前於11月或延後至 3-5月種植有可能分別因為低溫、梅雨或颱風等異常氣候而減緩葉片生長。若於7-9月之夏 季秋初時種植因整個生長期處於氣溫及日射量均較低的秋冬季,故最不利於水芋葉片生長。 最大LAI值(LAI )及溫度總和達4000℃時之累積LAI(CLAI )對收穫球莖乾物重(CDW ) 之影響均呈極顯著的直線關係,表示LAI增加速率及最大值愈大,球莖產量則愈高;當LAI 提高1單位時,CDW 可增加約68公克;當CLAI 提高1單位時,CDW 可增加約24 公克。 C |
英文摘要 | Seaonal variation in the dynamics of leaf area index (LAI) for wetland taro was studied by using thermal time analysis. The thermal time was sum of average daily air temperatures above 0℃ computed from the date of transplanting. The LAI of taro was the second-order polynomial exponential function of temperature sums. A thermal time of 4000℃ was required from transplanting to the maximum value of LAI in all transplanting months. Differences in the rates of increase and maximum values of LAI depended largely on the climatic variation, especially on the air temperature. Solar radiation was the second cause of large variation in leaf growth of taro. When transplanting in January, the rate of increase and maximum value of LAI was largest, and the annual deviation in the dynamics of leaf growth was smallest. Earlier planting to November and delayed planting to March or May, low temperature, plum rains and typhoons might decrease the leaf growth. Temperature and solar radiation were less favorable during the whole growing period of taro leaf when transplanting in July to September. The corm dry weight at harvest (CDW ) was linear related to maximum value of LAI (LAI ) and cumulative LAI reached 4000℃(CLAI ). One unit change in LAI resulted in a change of 68g in CDW . One unit change in CLAI resulted in a change of 24g in CD . |