- 探討接受體外放射線治療的鼻咽癌患者之生活品質
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- 放射治療後長期存活之鼻咽癌病人的生活品質調查
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- 鼻咽癌病患放射治療中斷的原因及分析
- 鼻咽癌的治療
- 鼻咽癌病患放射治療後生活品質之研究
題 名 | 探討接受體外放射線治療的鼻咽癌患者之生活品質=An Exploration of the Quality of Life for Patients with NPC |
作 者 | 簡淑慧; | 書刊名 | 長庚護理 |
卷 期 | 8:3=19 1997.09[民86.09] |
頁 次 | 頁25-33 |
分類號 | 419.77 |
關鍵詞 | 鼻咽癌; 放射線治療; 生活品質; Nasopharyngel carcinoma NPC; Radiation therapy RT; Quality of life; QOL; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著醫療科技的進步,許多癌症患者能度過急性期而存活下來,同時醫療人員也 漸漸體認到生活品質是評估癌症患者療效的重要指標之一,故如何評估及強化病人的生活品 質是護理人員應努力之方向。本研究乃探討三十二位接受體外放射線治療的鼻咽癌患者,如 何界定其生活品質。研究者以六題開放性問題面談患者,以 " 內容分析 " 法分析資料。結 果發現,鼻咽癌患者認為好的生活品質,是指有健康身體、有工作且經濟穩定、和諧的定庭 及人際關係,感覺快樂、滿意生活;另外從家人得到生理、情緒及經濟的支持、生理不適症 狀的減輕,及強化的靈性及希望感,均促使病患有較好的生活品質;相反地,生理不適症狀 、情緒紊亂均影響病人好的生活品質。此研究結果可供臨床癌症護士,了解接受體外放射線 治療的鼻咽癌患者,強化或干擾其生活品質的因素,進而提供相關護理措施,以提昇癌症病 人的生活品質。 |
英文摘要 | It is important to consider quality of life (QOL) as an outcome variable while evaluating the effects of the treatment for cancer patients. The purpose of the study was to explore 32 Nasophyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) patients with regard to their QOL. Six open-ended questions were used and content analysis was performed regarding verbal responses. The data revealed that the patients perceived a good life as having good health, job and stable finance, harmonious family and personal relations, feeling happy and satisfied with life. Having physical, emotional, and financial support from family, feeling relieved physical distress and enhanced spirituality were contributed to a good life. Also, physical distress and emotional disturbance contributed to a bad life. These findings are significant for nursing interventions that enhance QOL for patients with NPC. |