題 名 | 「安全兩難」下的兩岸外交競爭=The Cross-Strait Diplomatic Struggle Under Security Dilemma |
作 者 | 王高成; | 書刊名 | 問題與研究 |
卷 期 | 36:12 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁23-35+73 |
分類號 | 578.2 |
關鍵詞 | 安全兩難; 務實外交; 後冷戰時期; 兩岸關係; Security dilemma; Practical diplomacy; Post-cold war; Relations across the Taiwan strait; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文目的在於引用國際政治「安全兩難」的觀點,探討臺海兩岸何以後在冷戰 時期陷於激烈的外交纏鬥。從「安全兩難」的觀點來看,兩岸外交的爭鬥,起源於國際關係 中無政府狀態的特質。每個國家會對敵國之政策保持高度的敏感性,對方未經知會及協商下 的單方面利己行為,都可能被己方解讀為攻擊性行為,因而採取反制措施。兩岸當局只有從 同理心的角度出發,避免單方面利己的外交政策。藉由交流協商以增加彼此的了解及互信, 才能化解外交競爭的僵局。 |
英文摘要 | Based on the security dilemma viewpoint, this article aims to explore the severe diplomatic struggle between the two regimes across the Taiwan Strait. The struggle has shown the character of a security dilemma, which is common under anarchy in international politics. Under this situation, a state tends to be sensitive to its opponent's actions, is inclined to regard the opponent's uninformed and self-interested actions as a threat, and will take countermeasures to increase its own security. The two opponent states thus engage themselves in an endless competition. The two regimes across the Strait should refrain from adopting any diplomatic policies at the cost of the other. Instead, both sides should expand interactions to strengthen mutual understanding and trust. By taking these steps, the two regimes then might be able to free themselves from the endless diplomatic struggle. |