- 後現代社會衝擊下的成人教育革新
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- 落實終身學習 開闊成教格局
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- The Application of Andragogical Model in the Continuing Professional Education
- 推動以深刻省視社會結構性質主要內涵的成人教育
- 國軍成人教育現況之探討
- 未來主義的成人教育內涵
題 名 | 後現代社會衝擊下的成人教育革新=Adult Education Innovation in Postmodern Era |
作 者 | 王秋絨; | 書刊名 | 社會教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 26 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁41-58 |
分類號 | 528.3 |
關鍵詞 | 後現代社會; 成人教育; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在從後現代社會的文化特質剖析成人教育革新的動向。為達上述目的,本 文首先分析後現代的特色,接著探究後現代文化特質對成人教育的啟示,最後提出幾點重要 結論如下: 一、後現代主張價值的變異性與差異性;注重影像、複製品;文化出現斷裂性、平面化、非 理性、反主體、非歷史等特質,對成人教育的理論、政策、教材、教法等層面造成很大的衝 擊。 二、後現代衝擊下,成人教育急需努力的方向如下: 1. 理念層面: ぇ多元化え終身化ぉ深度化お彈性化か鄉土化が動態化 2. 制度層面: ぇ加強國家、政府單位與民間團體的協調合作, え普遍成立成人學習資源中心,獎勵成人自學, ぉ規畫專業化的人才培育計畫,尤其更要加強學習諮詢與方案規劃人才的培育。 3. 課程層面: ぇ加強民主、文化素養及公民文化教育,俾重構文化新元質, え加強情感、價值、資訊、媒介教育, ぉ重視自我肯定及人際關係美感教育, お推展多元文化教育,重視兩性教育, か發展自學及遠距教材、教具、教法。 |
英文摘要 | This paper presents a crical analysis on cultural features of postmodernism and their applications on the innovation of adult education. First of all cultural characteristics of postmodenism are anlaysized. Value variances and differences in culture are explicated. Moreover phenomena of plateness, nonreasonal behaviours, ahistory and death of subjectivity has appeared as a part of social reality and it has radically challenged the practice and theory in adult education. Conclusively it is recommended that adult education in Taiwan should reframe theory-basis. It will be approaching to the following directions: life-long basis, flexible、 localized focus, dynamic development and small narrative, more deeply constructed. In addition to above-mentioned directions, some important areas in adult education curriculum are more emphasized than before: democratic and cultural literacy, emotional and value education, media and information ethic, aesthetic education in human relations, multiple culture education, gender education, self-directed learning and distance education. |