題 名 | 臺大醫院實習醫師訓練現況及成效=Current Status and Trainees' Feedback of Internship at National Taiwan University Hospital |
作 者 | 王崇禮; 李宇宙; 楊培銘; 侯勝茂; | 書刊名 | 醫學教育 |
卷 期 | 1:3 1997.09[民86.09] |
頁 次 | 頁41-49 |
分類號 | 410.3 |
關鍵詞 | 實習醫師制度; 醫學教育; Internship; Medical education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 實習醫師制度乃醫學生透過在醫院或門診參與照顧病患的過程,達到臨床學習的目標。在醫學生正式取得醫師證書之前,一年的實習醫師經歷乃不可或缺的必備條件。國內實習醫師制度歷經四十年來的演進,在主客觀條件變化影響之下,已面臨檢討與變革的關卡。本研究計劃的目的,即在透過問卷調查的模式,針對臺大醫院的實習醫師制度,做一系統性的調查分析,以求進一步了解現行實習醫師制度的利弊得失,做為臨床教育政策擬定之依據與日後改進措施的參考。分析發現臺大醫院的實習醫師每週工作時數平均多於70小時,每週值班平均為2.76 + 0.06日。每週床邊教學平均少於2小時,而每週講授式教學平均為1.7 ± 0.09小時,科部指派有個別實習指導老師佔1/3。而過長的工作時間與值班頻率,影響實習醫師學習的機會與興緻。同學反應,實習醫師的訓練過程對於「知識增加」和「臨床判斷能力」有幫忙,而實習所增加知識及臨床判斷,對於日後專科醫師的選擇也有很大的幫助;回答知道實習醫師所需負法律責任的只佔1/4。整體而言,實習醫師的學習意願頗強,實習生涯對於增進臨床技巧與同儕關係,以及瞭解病患痛苦等都有中度以上的幫忙,也能增加自己對扮醫師角色的瞭解。而實習醫師法律地位不清,為需加以重視之問題。 |
英文摘要 | An internship program involves learning by participation in the patient care activities of a hospital or clinic. A one-year internship has formed part of Taiwan medical students' undergraduate training for forty years. We assessed the current status and trainees' feedback of internship at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) through questionnaire. Ninety-one questionnaires were obtained for analysis from 204 interns in April 1997. Our survey revealed that the average number of working hours for interns at NTUH was more than 70 hours per week and duty time was 2.76 ± 0.06 days per week. Average lecture time was 1.7 ± 0.09 hours per week and bed-side teaching time was less than 2 hours per week. Instructors had been assigned for interns in one-third of the departments where interns participated. The relatively long working hours and duty time obviously influenced interns' learning motivation and efficiency. However, internship significantly improved students' medical knowledge and clinical performance. This improvement was helpful for choosing between different residency specialties after internship. Only one-fourth of interns were aware of the legal regulations they obliged. In general, the interns' motivation for leaning was rather strong and internship did improve their clinical performances and doctorpatient relationships. They also learned to sympathize patients' suffering and understand the role that a physician plays. However, they were rather puzzled by the unclear legal status of interns. These findings should provide insight for modifying the existing internship program at NTUH. |